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Commercial Real Estate Asset Management Software & System

When you use Timly commercial real estate asset management software, itโ€™s easy to keep track of real estate assets, monitor asset performance, and optimize asset management while also reducing the time you spend managing your assets by up to 75%.

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LP Intro Image Asset Management Software Timly

Monitor Your Real Estate Assets With Our Commercial Real Estate Asset Management Software

Timly is real estate asset management software for commercial real estate businesses and investors. With Timly, you can easily keep track of a large portfolio of real estate assets including properties, storage facilities, furniture, and other valuable assets in one place.

Whether you want to update your asset inventory or check the condition of particular assets, Timly can streamline all relevant asset management operations. You can also use the data that Timly collects to create accurate performance charts and gain insights into asset usage and lifespan.

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Maintain Control of Your Real Estate Portfolio

Manage a Complex Real Estate Inventory

Use Timly to manage a complex or large real estate inventory. Our flexible commercial real estate asset management software can scale to meet the needs of your portfolio, allowing real estate managers to monitor the condition, status, and value of multiple properties at once.

Use Timly to quickly update inventory lists for furnished properties or assess the condition of property decor and appliances in just a few clicks. You can also use our software to track the status of important documentation such as gas safety certificates and other regulatory requirements.

Automate Maintenance and Renewal Schedules

Save time without compromising on the quality of your real estate portfolio when you use Timly to automate maintenance schedules and pre-empt renewals.

Timlyโ€™s asset tracking functions can help you estimate the optimal time to schedule repairs and maintenance to maximize the lifespan of appliances, furnishings, and other real estate assets. You can also use our commercial real estate asset management software to determine when itโ€™s the right time to renew or replace expensive items such as fitted kitchens and bathrooms.

Identify Your Most Valuable Assets

When you use Timly to manage your commercial real estate assets, itโ€™s easy to identify which assets are making you the most money and which assets arenโ€™t working for you.

Our softwareโ€™s data insights and asset analysis make it easy to view asset performance and track which assets are offering the best value as well as which assets in your portfolio are being underutilized.

Create Accurate Performance Reports

Export the data that Timly generates and use it to create concise, accurate reports that show how your real estate businessโ€™s assets contribute to your business model returns.

Timlyโ€™s asset tracking features can demonstrate how assets in your portfolio are performing and show that your business is fully in control of its assets. The data provided by the application will also help you answer stakeholder queries and questions.

Inventory Asset Management Software Timly Reporting

Inventory Asset Management Software Timly Overview

Inventory Asset Management Software Timly Dashboard

Inventory Asset Management Software Timly Data

Over 500 Companies, Schools and Cities Rely on Timly

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Inventory Management Software Euromaster Logo
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Inventarverwaltung Software Uni Bern Logo

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The Timly asset tracking software in use at SodaStream

Timly Inventarverwaltung Software Kunden - Sodastream

How Timly Helps Commercial Real Estate Businesses Operate Efficiently

Our commercial real estate asset management software can help your team manage a large real estate portfolio while optimizing maintenance tasks and lease administration.

IT Assets & Furniture
Tool Tracking
Maintenance Management
Stock Management
GPS Tracking
Commercial Real Estate Asset Management Software 52
Commercial Real Estate Asset Management Software 53
Commercial Real Estate Asset Management Software 54
Commercial Real Estate Asset Management Software 55
Commercial Real Estate Asset Management Software 56

Optimized Device Management With Innovative Self-Inventory

SodaStream is the world market leader for water sparkling systems for domestic use and has a lot of IT equipment at its various locations. Many colleagues now work from their home offices. A digital solution for the efficient management of IT end devices became necessary...

Commercial Real Estate Asset Management Software 57

Manage Video Equipment Efficiently Without Much Effort

The Hamburg media company always does outstanding journalistic work and is characterized by independent reporting. In order to maintain journalistic quality, the teams work with highly specialized devices โ€“ these need to be managed efficiently...

Commercial Real Estate Asset Management Software 58

Smart City Asset Management โ€“ Timly in Use at DIGOOH

The core business of DIGOOH Media GmbH in Cologne is to manage digital city light posters (DCLP) for outdoor use in various cities in Germany. The challenge here lies in making the clientโ€™s communication message always available at the right time, in the right place...

Commercial Real Estate Asset Management Software 59

Timly - a flexible asset tracking solution for FlexOffice

23,703 m2 where everything aligns for optimal work. The task was to find a software solution that could support FlexOffice in the logistical management of equipment and furniture, and that could evolve and adapt to the pace of the Swiss startupโ€™s growth...

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Manage an Entire Real Estate Portfolio in One Application

Our commercial real estate asset management software can help you manage your real estate businessโ€™s entire portfolio, from rental properties to retail units and furniture.

Asset Management Software Page Overview Image

Residential Properties

Our commercial real estate asset management software can be used to manage rental properties and residential lets including condos and apartments. Track property expenses and schedule maintenance visits and repairs, and use Timly to quickly check which properties are occupied and which ones are vacant.

Asset Management Software Dashboard Image

Retail Units and Offices

Timly makes it easy to manage rental units, office buildings, and other commercial rentals. Keep track of whether your commercial rentals are occupied or vacant, track the performance of commercial lets and use Timly to manage regulatory compliance and store relevant documentation.

Asset Management Software Efficient Work Image

Property Furniture

If you rent out your properties furnished, make sure you keep track of furniture and other included items with our commercial real estate asset management software. From office desks and chairs to sofas and soft furnishings, monitor the condition and status of your entire inventory.

Asset Management Software Maintenance Overview Image

Tenants and Leases

Timly can also be used to manage tenancies and leases. Use Timly to track lease agreements and receive real-time updates when itโ€™s time to collect rent or generate rental invoices. Reduce the amount of time that you spend on lease administration and make sure that your tenants receive plenty of reminders to renew their lease on time.

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Timly Asset Management Software GDPR
Timly Asset Management Software Secure Hosting
Timly Asset Management Software SSL Encrypted

Efficient Asset Management for Commercial Real Estate Businesses

Timly offers dozens of features to support effective management of any commercial real estate portfolio

Barcode Scanner in der Inventarisierungssoftware

Manage Your Commercial Real Estate Assets

Use our commercial real estate asset management software to manage all of your real estate assets, including properties and furniture, from one single dashboard.

Timly Asset planning

Schedule Maintenance

Schedule property maintenance at regular intervals to ensure that all of your rental properties stay up to standard and improve your tenant satisfaction.

Illustration zeigt Inventar zuweisen in Inventarisierungssoftware

Check Asset Performance

View the performance of your assets at any time to find out which properties in your portfolio are outperforming the rest and inform your investing strategy.

Barcode Scanner in der Inventarisierungssoftware

Predict Upcoming Expenses

Use Timlyโ€™s advanced features for life cycle management and to predict upcoming expenses and pre-empting when itโ€™s time to renew or replace expensive assets.

Illustration zeigt Inventar zuweisen in Inventarisierungssoftware

Store Documentation

Store all of your real estate businessโ€™s important documentation in one place, including tenant contracts and lease information.

Timly Asset planning

Ensure Compliance With Regulations

Receive notifications when itโ€™s time to renew safety certificates and other regulatory requirements to ensure that your business is always on the right side of compliance.


Smart, intuitive software

Other solutions

E.g. Excel, manual lists, etc.


Access to Data

Change History

Data Protection

Asset Images

Scanning Capabilities

Deadline Management



Smart, intuitive software


Instantly available (all devices)

Complete history of changes

Fully GDPR compliant

Easily attached to items and displayed

Integrated barcode scanner saves 90% time

Automated deadline management for assets


Other solutions

Eg. Excel, manual lists, etc.


Not available across devices

No change history available

Data storage not GDPR compliant

Displaying asset images problematic

No integrated scanner

Not available

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Reduce Waste and Save Money With Timly

By providing a few pieces of information, you can determine the return on investment (ROI) for using Timly inventory software.

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Construction & MachineryCommercial Real Estate Asset Management Software 84
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