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Resource Management in the Cloud

Article from the Swiss IT Magazine, issue 2020/07
Resource Management in the Cloud, but Done Right (Article Swiss IT Magazine) 3

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Resource Management in the Cloud, but Done Right (Article Swiss IT Magazine) 4

The Timly SaaS platform makes it easy to manage key company resources enables corporate clients to manage key company resources with cloud-based SaaS platform

Born out of a cooperation with the construction company LANG Group from Mainz, Germany, the Zurich-based start-up aims to tackle an unsolved industry problem:

Construction companies are obliged to ensure the technical and safety qualifications of their skilled workers. This is partly to comply with legal requirements and partly to obtain important industry certifications and quality certificates. The qualifications have to be regularly renewed or refreshed, so monitoring them has been a challenge,” explains co-founder and CEO Philipp Baumann.

Why resource management in the cloud?

Most of the time, monitoring is done in Excel. That might still work for smaller companies. But with larger operations, you eventually reach your limits using Excel.

For example, the application should allow for the clean documentation of all training in the personnel file. If a workplace accident occurs despite all the safety measures and qualifications, the first thing you have to do is prove to SUVA that you, as the employer, have fulfilled your training obligations and that the person was sufficiently qualified for the job.

From this original problem, a personnel, training and talent management solution tailored to the industry has emerged,” says Fitim Mehmeti, who founded Timly with the current CEO Philipp Baumann.

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Resource Management in the Cloud – Finally Done Properly

The close cooperation with our industry partner Lang was very important, because only in this way was it possible to create a solution that also solves a concrete and, above all, relevant problem in the industry,” says Baumann, but he also stresses that the problem does not only apply to the construction industry, but also to any industry in which employees and workplace safety play a major role. The application was also developed in cooperation with the healthcare industry, where patient and employee safety is also a major issue.

Furthermore, the two founders attach great importance to intuitive and user-friendly software. “In the consumer sector, we are graced with perfectly designed applications in which every process step is optimised for an optimal user experience (UX),” says Mehmeti. “Then you come into the corporate environment and are confronted with ERP solutions that date back to the noughties, which are neither intuitive nor fun. A common feedback we get is that Timly is very intuitive and easy to use, even though it has a lot of features.

The Timly inventory software explained simply in under 2 minutes

Intuitive Management of Your Inventory

With Timly you get access to efficient inventory software. A wide range of sophisticated functions makes it easy to digitalise your inventory.

Manage All Assets

Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.

Mobile Available Everywhere

Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.

Clever Assignment

Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.

Digital File Management

Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.

GPS Recording

Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.

Maintenance Management

Documentation of repairs & maintenance at the asset location, as well as deadline management.

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