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Switch to Timly Now and Benefit From Great Offers

You Already Use an Asset Management Software?

You have already opted for a digital asset management solution in the past, but your needs have grown beyond that?

The optimal asset management software should grow flexibly with the needs of your company. That’s why we created Timly – the intuitive and feature-rich solution for your digital asset management.

With our simple data import and integrated barcode scanner, there is nothing to stop you switching from your existing solution to Timly. One thing is certain, this service is for you: efficient, simple and free of charge!

Inventory software on a tablet

This is how the Timly switch service works:

Book a Demo

Let us find out if Timly software is a better fit for you and solves your problems more efficiently.

Import of the assets

So that you can seamlessly transition into our system, we simply import your data from the previous solution. (Export function necessary)

QR-Code Adoption

Your previous solution works with QR codes? We can easily take them over. So you don’t have to re-label your assets.
Switch to Timly 1

Start Timly

As soon as these steps have been completed, you will benefit from the extensive functions of your new asset management software.

Get Started

Book a no-obligation online meeting with us today or start your free trial account directly.

(No credit card required)

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