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Using Equipment Maintenance Software: All Appointments at a Glance With Timly

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How Equipment Maintenance Software Simplifies Maintenance and Service

When companies use equipment maintenance software their efficiency increases. Safety checks, maintenance and servicing can be managed and coordinated in a uniform way. The risk of missed deadlines is reduced.

But smart maintenance software such as Timly offers a much wider range of functions than scheduling for a wide variety of assets. Those responsible can see locations and personal assignments of work equipment at a glance. Documentation of work performed is possible directly in the software.

Even support using IoT sensors can be implemented natively in Timly – for example, to determine locations with GPS trackers.

Using Planning Software for Free Is Unnecessarily Limiting

Individual tasks can often be covered with free software. In a professional environment, this only makes sense if the programme used is easy to replace or no important tasks are performed with it.

In order to be able to use software for asset maintenance, a relatively complex initial recording of assets is necessary. In addition to some basic data, locations, responsibilities and the various data, from health and safety inspections to maintenance dates, must be entered.

This data can then be used universally for a variety of tasks in the company. Professional inventory software such as Timly makes it possible to manage all of a company’s assets. Maintenance planning is just one area of application where the information, once captured, is utilised.

Timly’s inventory app provides an interface for all employees to access valuable data in their daily work. This helps with the exchange of information, but also with special tasks, such as the annual inventory.

Over 500 Companies, Schools and Cities Rely on Timly

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Using Full Version Instead of Planner for Free Brings Many Advantages

Timly offers flexible categories for recording a wide range of work equipment. This means that relatively simple objects, such as furniture or ladders, can be recorded in the same way as complex machines and vehicles. For easier handling, Timly also offers a container function. This allows objects to be linked not only to specific places or persons, but also to other objects. This makes it possible to create logical associations, for example for contents of entire rooms or machines in certain production sections.

The advantage of using Timly’s inventory software for equipment maintenance becomes particularly clear here. There is no longer a need for cumbersome manual coordination of appointments. Instead, those responsible can have all upcoming due dates for a work area clearly displayed in the maintenance planner. The smart reminder function of the maintenance calendar also sends a timely message to the responsible employees.

Using the Maintenance Planning App Free of Charge Is Not Enough

Apps are increasingly taking the place of PC software in the commercial sector as well. However, instead of using software for system maintenance, relying on a single app is not an alternative. The prerequisite is a suitable IT infrastructure, which is not given with free apps. Timly is implemented as a cloud-based service.

Access to the central database is possible with any internet-enabled device. The web app, which is optimised for smartphones and tablets, makes it possible to access the database from any work location. For simplification, it is possible to mark each recorded asset with a QR code. Calling up a profile works by scanning the QR code in the barcode scanner of the app.

Timly provides the necessary security and the user and authorisation concept. The data is stored exclusively on DSGVO-compliant servers hosted in Germany. Data transmission is always encrypted.

Timly is an effective equipment maintenance software – HAUSER in Austria shows how it’s done

Using Equipment Maintenance Software: All Appointments at a Glance With Timly 2
Equipment Maintenance Software Timly being shown on multiple devices

Simple and Intuitive Planning With Timly – Always and Everywhere Keep Everything in View

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Holistic Maintenance Planning – Excel Only Performs Partial Tasks

Instead of using software from a specialised provider such as Timly for asset maintenance, Excel could also be explored as a possible alternative. Licences for the spreadsheet programme are available in most companies, so there is no additional cost. However, Excel spreadsheets are intended for use in office environments.

A specialised maintenance planner such as Timly makes it possible to call up all the information required for maintenance on site on the mobile device. Measures carried out can be documented in Timly in real time. Forwarding information to third parties and reworking to record the activities carried out are no longer necessary. Stored inspection records remain in the history of each asset and are thus always immediately available for inspections at the respective work site.

Using Freeware as a Maintenance Planner Involves Risks

The use of freeware in the professional sector should always be critically scrutinised. As a rule, there is no contractual relationship from which obligations arise for the developer of the software. If software is to be used for system maintenance and problems occur, there is no entitlement to troubleshooting and service.

Timly’s inventory mangement software has a professional developer team and trained support staff. The software is constantly being further developed. Numerous satisfied users from industry, trade and public administration have been using Timly’s software for asset maintenance for years. Many of them remain in contact with Timly employees and give positive feedback again and again.

The Maintenance Planner: Excel Free but Not Effective

Complex overviews can be created with Excel. Formulas and functions help to process data automatically. However, it always becomes problematic when objects with very different properties are to be summarised in a table. Then either the clarity suffers or the naming of columns must be kept so general that there is a risk of misunderstandings.

If software is used for equipment maintenance, it should be able to map all dates. No matter whether it is the so-called E-check according to DGUV V3 or upcoming inspections for machine components. Specialised maintenance software such as Timly can dynamically store and link the most diverse appointments. This happens automatically in the background. Users do not have to worry about this either when entering or retrieving data records.

Timly Asset Management Software GDPR
Timly Asset Management Software Secure Hosting
Timly Asset Management Software SSL Encrypted

Equipment Maintenance Software Available Free of Charge? What Really Matters!

In the commercial sector, ongoing licence costs for software are only a secondary argument when it comes to assessing economic efficiency. It is more important that valuable working time can be saved if previously manually performed tasks are automated.

Intuitive operability ensures that software is accepted among the company’s own employees during plant maintenance. The quality of the data stock – and thus the efficiency of the application – increases to a particularly high degree in practice.

If software is to be selected for equipment maintenance, specialised software such as Timly is therefore normally always superior to a free product.

Maintenance Software Free of Charge, Excel and Other Solutions: Holistic Software at an Advantage

Timly takes a holistic approach with its professional inventory solution. Users thus not only have software for equipment maintenance that meets all requirements.

Timly is quickly becoming an indispensable tool when it comes to managing all information relating to one’s own work equipment quickly and easily.

Equipment Maintenance Software being used by employees

Timly’s software makes it possible to manage appointments and maintenance dates at any time and from anywhere

Always Keep an Eye on All Appointments With Timly

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Smart Software for Inspection Planning

With Timly’s maintenance planner, you always have an overview of your inspections and deadlines and can manage and organise them from anywhere. A wide range of sophisticated functions also makes it easy to digitise your inventory.

Manage All Assets

Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.

Mobile Available Everywhere

Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.

Clever Assignment

Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.

Digital File Management

Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.

GPS Recording

Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.

Maintenance Management

Documentation of repairs & maintenance at the asset location, as well as deadline management.

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