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Equipment Management in Companies: Low Effort Thanks to Software

When a company grows, it not only increases its staff, but also its inventory. New furniture, faster computers, better tools, more modern vehicles – these are all investments that should pay off in the long run. But the additional equipment also needs to be managed (equipment management):

  • Who uses what and when?
  • Where is it located?
  • What condition is it in?
  • Is a maintenance deadline approaching?
Equipment management on a desktop device
Antoinette Turkie
Antoinette TurkieInventory Expert6 Min
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Timly used by Schwizer Haustechnik

Equipment Management: Definition and Relevance

Questions about the location, useful life or inspection intervals are just as much a part of device management as data about the date of purchase, the instructions for use or the repair history. Within the scope of tool management, employees record new inventory objects and plan their use. With classic, statistical and analogue methods, however, the needs of many institutions and companies can hardly be met today. Cloud-based software for effective equipment management can provide a remedy and optimise work processes.

For this reason, many companies from very different sectors have opted for equipment management software in recent years. By involving all employees more via a management app, big data can be updated in a timely manner, asset tags can be added and managing monitoring is way easier. The overall administrative effort is reduced and the responsibility is distributed over several shoulders. The asset management software takes the lead in controlling the equipment management instead of a single employee.

Sometimes the term equipment management is used as a synonym for general tool management. In a narrower sense, however, devices only refer to information and communication technology devices. Yet questions of asset management still affect many analogue work objects today. Just think of tools that are used by manual workers at different workplaces. Every time colleagues or subcontractors swap tools, it is usually impractical to fill out written takeover or handover protocols on paper and to store them securely.

This Is What Good Inventory Software Can Do

A software for managing assets is recommended if it has a basic framework that can in principle be used in all sectors – whether trade and services, construction industry, public administration, healthcare and schools. In addition, it should be possible to adapt the programme to individual requirements, e.g. to change forms and fields or deactivate modules that a company does not need.

Central Inventory Management

Customised Set Up

Allocate & Dispose Inventory


Integrated barcode scanner

Maintenance & Service Management

Track Performance & Defects

User & Role Administration

Record GPS Locations

Gerätemanagement auf Desktop Browser dargestellt

In order to simplify use for as many employees as possible, modern equipment management should be available for Apple, Android and other mobile devices. It must also be easy to access on desktop devices and notebooks. Access to device management via smartphone app (QR code scan) is one of the pillars of the increasingly popular Timly inventory management software. Another basic principle is the central storage of device data in the secure European cloud.

Optimally, the functions of a good device management software go beyond pure inventory. Many companies have already confirmed the usefulness of Timly’s “maintenance planner” to schedule maintenance as well as Timly’s “inventory mode” modules. A satisfied Timly user is the cooling technology specialist Hauser from Linz, Austria. The company opted for modular equipment management software to better manage its more than 5,000 appliances.

Specific concerns were, for example, the faster identification of inventory that is prone to repair and the automation of maintenance and service management. Hauser’s inventory consists of IT resources, tools and other equipment. According to company officials, the introduction of the software went smoothly because the digital device management is self-explanatory for employees.

Asset Management Software in Use by Our Customers

The Timly software is continuously evolving to meet the needs of our customers. In various success stories, we show you how Timly optimizes processes in companies, thereby saving significant effort. With Timly, inventory management becomes child’s play.

IT Assets & Furniture
Tool Tracking
Maintenance Management
Stock Management
GPS Tracking
Equipment Management in Companies: Low Effort Thanks to Software 3
Equipment Management in Companies: Low Effort Thanks to Software 4
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Timly Inventarverwaltung Software Kunden - Sodastream
14 - Sascha Gusenbauer EN 1

So far we have only had good experiences. We have already activated Timly for about 90 of the 250 planned technicians, and there have been no problems whatsoever. Requests for minor (display) errors were dealt with quickly. On the part of our technicians, the go-live and also the introductory phase went very smoothly. The feedback was that everything was self-explanatory after about one hour of training.

Sascha Gusenbauer
Team Leader Disposition Assembly

Is Free Equipment Management Software Useful?

Some companies try to solve their asset management problems with a freeware management solution. But in the area of device management, open source and irregular updates are less helpful than fixed, expert contact persons when it comes to customising the asset tracking software to the company’s needs.

Inventory management with freeware is at best an option for voluntary associations or very small businesses. As soon as it comes to larger inventory quantities and the responsibility for high-priced objects, you need a really reliable, proven software solution.

Inefficient management with static Excel lists or even paper tables and lists in the warehouse or workshop often results in chaos rather than successful device management. Loan processes are not correctly noted, magnets fall off the table, Excel files are not saved in time or documents are misplaced because the person in charge was not present at the time.

The list of possible human and structural errors is long. As a result, a lot of information is lost, equipment is not adequately maintained or cannot be found and used at the right time.

Investing in Well-Designed Mobile Equipment Software Is Worthwhile

An inefficient equipment management system and inadequate inventory management ultimately lead to financial losses in the company. Moreover, they worsen the working atmosphere. The cleverer option is to ensure software-based recording and management of work equipment, vehicles and devices in good time.

With Timly’s customisable equipment management software, you and your employees can keep track and manage pieces of equipment in real time thanks to the mobile app and have access to experienced and friendly support when needed.

Equipment management on smartphone and tablet

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