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Machine Maintenance Schedule – Manage Machines With Timly

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How Inventory Software Can Increase the Efficiency and Lifespan of Machines

Managing machines with a digital machine maintenance schedule offers numerous advantages over methods that still use calendars and lists. A smart solution, such as Timly’s, includes functions that simplify maintenance and repair processes. Those responsible receive automatic reminders for all regular maintenance and inspection dates.

Maintenance plans and documentation find their place in the profile of each piece of equipment. Over time, a digital file is created there from which any information concerning the inventory can be called up without effort. This ensures more sustainability in the use of important resources. Your employees also benefit in their daily work from the fact that they always have access to all important documents.

Maintenance Maintenance Schedule Template – Excel Is No Longer an Alternative

Lists from spreadsheet programmes such as Excel are usually only available centrally in the office and are difficult to process on site, on construction sites or in workshops. This is no longer in keeping with the times, as information always runs through several places and in most cases at least one double entry has to be made. Timly has a fundamentally different concept. The information all ends up in a central, cloud-based database. Access is possible with an internet-enabled end device.

The Timly inventory software only ever shows the user data that is needed at any given time. Additions and updates are possible from any location thanks to optimised input fields. Information is always available where it needs to be worked with. All departments involved have access to the same, daily updated status. You do not need to create a separate maintenance plan with Timly. Once all relevant dates have been entered for the first time, the software takes over this task with the intuitive maintenance planner.

Maintenance Plan Template: Word and Printed Forms Do Not Lead to the Goal

The term maintenance is defined in more detail in the industry standard DIN 31051. There a distinction is made between:

– Inspection

– Maintenance

– Improvement

In most cases, this strict separation should not play a role in practice when machines have to be maintained according to a maintenance plan. Rather, it will be common practice in many companies to carry out all the necessary inspections, maintenance and repairs of a machine on one date if possible. With Timly, you can do without printed Word documents and maintenance instructions from the manufacturer.

Using digital templates, the maintenance plan can be used to check and repair machines exactly according to the desired specifications. Uniform handling can be ensured without having to distribute revised lists and forms among employees in a timely manner. Updating in the central memory is completely sufficient. Afterwards, every authorised person has access to it in real time.

Managing machines with Timly’s maintenance plan – everyday life at HAUSER in Austria
Machine Maintenance Schedule - Manage Machines With Timly 2
Machine Maintenance Schedule shown on multiple devices

The Timly Inventory Software: Always at Your Fingertips

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The Maintenance Plan: Excel Is Not an App

The Timly inventory app ensures practical, intuitive usability. Unlike Excel, it is optimised for smartphones and tablets. Access to machine and plant profiles is possible by simply scanning the QR code generated by Timly. This makes it easy to work on machines on site with the maintenance plan using step-by-step instructions, even in difficult weather and lighting conditions.

In addition, the app enables a smooth exchange of information. Defects can be reported directly and the subsequent repair process remains transparent thanks to the integrated tracking. Enquiries, cumbersome reporting chains – and thus unnecessary costs – are saved in this way. Since Timly pursues far more goals than being able to optimally manage machines with the maintenance plan, the app also serves other purposes. These include the flexible allocation of assets to people and locations.

This also ensures that machines do not have to be searched for when maintenance work is due.

Machine Maintenance Schedule Template: PDF as a Versatile Solution

When machines are maintained according to the maintenance plan, careful documentation is important. Details such as the spare parts or lubricants used and the filling quantities used should be recorded. In the digital age, fillable PDF documents are ideal for this purpose. Over time, this creates a complete history of all maintenance, repairs and inspections carried out. This brings a whole series of advantages. Every employee can check that his machine is in good condition before starting work.

In the event of inspections by the trade supervisory authority, all necessary inspection records are available without delay and in top quality. Hand-filled slips are sometimes not easily legible due to the often difficult conditions on site with dirt and weather influences. In addition, a transfer into one or more digital systems has to take place. This is inefficient and prone to errors.

In the event of a warranty claim, Timly allows you to easily prove to the manufacturer that you have maintained the machines according to the maintenance plan.The fine-meshed documentation of the maintenance work also allows a better economic calculation of the actual running costs of a piece of equipment for the planned service life. Even machines and systems that are very susceptible to repair are quickly noticed in this way. This ensures more professionalism and cost savings in maintenance management.

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Timly Asset Management Software SSL Encrypted

Digital Maintenance Plan: Deposit PDF and Other Forms

The Timly asset tracking software is a central information collection for information concerning work processes in the company. Consequently, the possibility of keeping digital personnel files was also implemented. The maintenance planner is used to maintain machines according to a maintenance plan. However, it is often the case that the operating personnel require certifications or other proof when carrying out their activities.

This applies in particular to persons who are entrusted with inspection and maintenance work in safety-relevant areas, such as electricians. On the one hand, appointment management provides a guarantee that refresher courses or renewals of tests are not forgotten in the stressful daily routine. On the other hand, employees entrusted with testing tasks always have all the necessary certificates with them. Very practical and up-to-date in the Timly app.

Over 500 Companies, Schools and Cities Rely on Timly

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Maintenance Plan Template: Integrate for Free With Timly

Wherever data has to be worked with, the question of compatibility of file formats regularly arises. If a manufacturer uses a non-disclosed, proprietary format, this can lead to problems when external data is to be imported or imported data is to be exported. Timly uses generally compatible formats for file exchange.

If your maintenance plan template has to meet certain requirements, you can simply integrate the necessary form into Timly. This way, you will not be faced with unnecessary hurdles if you want to maintain machines with a digital maintenance plan in the future.

Manage Machines With Digital Maintenance Plan: The Concept Is Catching On

Despite the acquisition costs for professional maintenance software, it pays off in practice to manage machines with a digital maintenance plan. Unexpected machine breakdowns cost money, and the manual coordination of different inspection and maintenance appointments causes unnecessary time expenditure.

Inventory software, on the other hand, enables information to be collected and stored seamlessly where employees are collecting it anyway.

Timly’s machine maintenance planner – Always available on every device
Longer and yet trouble-free use of work equipment and careful handling of increasingly expensive resources are effects that experience has shown to occur when you manage machines and equipment in your company with a digital maintenance plan.

Get To Know the Intuitive Software for Your Asset Management Now

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Reliable Repair Schedule for Your Machines

Monitor and keep an eye on machines at all times with Timly’s maintenance planner

Manage All Assets

Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.

Mobile Available Everywhere

Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.

Clever Assignment

Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.

Digital File Management

Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.

GPS Recording

Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.

Maintenance Management

Documentation of repairs & maintenance at the asset location, as well as deadline management.

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