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Electrical Inspection: Carry Out and Document Electrical Tests With Timly Software

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Electrical Inspection and Testing for Safety at Work

Colloquially referred to as an E-check, an electrical inspection describes the observance of the necessary duty of care with regard to electronic devices, machines and systems. These requirements can be found in the HSE under “Electrical inspection and testing” and on the official website of the UK government.

There is no exception for the devices to be tested; permanently installed electronic devices and systems must also be included in the regular test. This is the only way to ensure the safety of employees in the workplace.

For electrical inspections in accordance with UK regulations, it is also particularly important to have the necessary knowledge about the test procedure and about indications of danger points. The choice therefore quickly falls on external inspectors who test the equipment on site at regular intervals.

In-house employees with the necessary training and knowledge are also becoming more common in large companies. In any case, the deadlines are decisive in order to always meet the state requirements and the company’s own demands.

Electrical Testing Software: The Functions for Your Successful Electrical Testing According to UK Regulations

The most common devices in the E-check are electrical production facilities, E-charging stations, welding equipment, servers, care beds and roller doors. However, devices that are used individually in your industry must also be taken into account.

To ensure that you do not forget anything, an interface to your inventory software is a good idea. In the following, we would like to show you how you can save time and money with Timly as your electrical inspection software.

Thus, it is recommended to check out the “Electricity at Work Regulations”(1989).

Using Timly for Electrical Audits

Timly is a fully comprehensive inventory software with modern functions and interfaces to related topics in your company.

In addition, Timly supports you in electrical testing according to current regulations. The features of this digital test include the reminder, testing and documentation of the results.

Simple Transmission and Storage of Test Reports

Time-consuming paperwork is a thing of the past with Timly. The digital capture of documents makes it possible to save and release test reports directly in the cloud after the electrical inspection. This means that all information is stored in a decentralised location and can be viewed by selected employees

Evaluate and Document Defects

If a defect is detected during the electrical inspection, it can be documented in the respective inventory item file. Damage or excessive wear and tear are thus detected at an early stage and can no longer become sources of danger thanks to the labelling in the system.

The defects are shown, among other things, with photos in a simple upload by the inspector or employee. All data is stored securely and is historically traceable for you.

The Timly electrical inspection software in use with HAUSER in Austria

Electrical Inspection: Carry Out and Document Electrical Tests With Timly Software 4
Electrical inspection on 3 devices

Stay Compliant With Efficient Electrical Inspection Software

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Who Is Allowed to Carry Out the Electrical Inspection?

Even though the procedure with Timly for electrical testing documentation is simple, not every employee in your company may conduct the test. Depending on the sector (private rented sector with private landlords etc.) only competent persons (i.e. electrical inspector) may carry out periodic inspection and testing in accordance with electrical safety standards. Only the electrical inspectors are authorised to fill out the electrical installation condition report EICR.

In general, you should always rely on an external service provider to take care of the professional testing according to IET wiring regulations in order to ensure that all electrical equipment is properly inspected and tested.

Only in this way, in combination with Timly, can you be absolutely certain that your electronic devices from the inventory list are in a usable condition. Defects outside of the inspection times can also be reported digitally by the employee who is currently using the respective device. For this purpose, Timly offers the possibility to create a digital report on the device within seconds.

Over 500 Companies, Schools and Cities Rely on Timly

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Equipping Employees With Timly Electrical Testing Software: This Is the Procedure

At first glance, Timly already offers many solutions for well-known problems in electrical testing. With the support of our electrical inspection software, the work methods on site can be simplified and accelerated. In the overall picture of a comprehensive electrical test, efficiency can be greatly improved.

Tip: With Timly, other inspections can also be documented and processed in addition to the electrical inspection. An example of this is the ladders inspection. Rely on a uniform system to introduce a new standard in the efficiency of work processes throughout the company.

Electrical inspection with the Timly Software App

The Timly inventory software manages key deadlines and maintenance for you

Your employees can access the electronic representation of your company without any special background knowledge. Thanks to the assignment of rights through the app, specific groups of users can be defined.

These groups have various options in the programme in order to structure their own daily work more clearly and productively. Timly is therefore not only a software for electrical inspection documentation.

Optimise Your Work Processes With Efficient Inventory Software

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Clarity for employees

Does your company employ staff who are authorised to carry out electrical testing in accordance with legal regulations? Then save this information directly in the profile of the respective person and keep track of all skills and roles of your employees with the digital file storage.

Certainty for inspection dates

It’s not always easy to keep track of all the dates for inspections. Timly is more than just a calendar: With smart notifications, appointments are announced in good time so that you do not fall behind with the examination of work equipment. You can always see all upcoming appointments in an overview.

Timly is a comprehensive inventory and documentation software that is perfectly suited for maintaining an overview in your own company. Our modern software solution for the documentation of electrical inspections even allows you to carry out and store various necessary inspections digitally. Carefree handling of documents not least increases the satisfaction of your employees.

If you are interested in Timly as electrical inspection software, we look forward to receiving your non-binding enquiry! In an initial meeting, we will present the extensive features of our software and answer your questions.

In addition to the presentation, you can also request a free demo. This will give you an insight into the intuitive and modern interface as well as the basic functions.

Intuitive Management of Your Inventory

With Timly, you get access to efficient electrical inspection software. A wide range of sophisticated functions makes it easy to digitalise your inventory.

Manage All Assets

Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.

Mobile Available Everywhere

Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.

Clever Assignment

Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.

Digital File Management

Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.

GPS Recording

Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.

Maintenance Management

Documentation of repairs & maintenance at the asset location, as well as deadline management.

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