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Material Management in Companies: More Efficient With Software

Material management is of great importance in modern companies. Resources are becoming increasingly scarce and thus more expensive. Conscious handling of materials not only saves costs, but also stands for sustainable corporate management.

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Material management on a computer

Material Management in Companies: More Efficient With Software

Material management is of great importance in modern companies. Resources are becoming increasingly scarce and thus more expensive. Conscious handling of materials not only saves costs, but also stands for sustainable corporate management.

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Material management on a computer


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Material management at a construction site

Use Software for Material Management: Specialisation Pays Off

An important prerequisite for this is to take an inventory of the material and work equipment used. This gives you a permanent overview of the existing equipment. If you use specialised software such as Timly for the inventory, you will also benefit from several other advantages, such as the integrated maintenance planner and the inventory mode.

An inventory is not only useful for high-quality tools and machines, but ultimately for all kinds of commodities – for example, office furniture as well as hardware and software. But finding suitable software for inventory control is not so easy. Excel spreadsheets or word-processed lists are of limited use. They are not multi-user capable and not very clear if many different types of inventory are to be recorded.

If, on the other hand, you attach importance to up-to-date information, convenient query options and the recording of whereabouts and persons responsible for quality management, then only professional inventory software is likely to meet your requirements for a materials management process without restrictions.

Software-Based Material Management, Tasks and Requirements

The larger a company is, the more unrealistic it is that a single person responsible for recording and updating the inventory can perform the task satisfactorily. Moreover, a lot of potential is wasted if the list is kept well-guarded in the office. With the inventory, a lot of information useful for all employees can be stored in the material management system, such as operating instructions, technical data and maintenance instructions.

This, however, requires access to the data stock from many conceivable locations. For this reason, Timly is designed to be cloud-based. Security requirements were taken into account from the outset (GDPR conformity is of course guaranteed).

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Central inventory management

Individual set-up

Assign inventory


Integrated barcode scanner

Maintenance & service management

Track performance & defects

User & role administration

Record GPS locations

Inventory number overview
Material management on a smartphone

Mobile Access to Material Management via App

Any internet-capable end device is suitable for accessing the material management database. An app optimised for smartphones and tablets ensures maximum mobility. In addition, as each item inventoried can be marked with a space-saving QR code, it is possible to call up the profile without further input. The camera integrated in mobile devices is sufficient to scan the QR code.

The detailed user administration protects against accidental or intentional incorrect entries. Each employee is only assigned the functions he or she needs to perform his or her task. This data rights management complies with the current requirements of data minimisation under data protection law.

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Convenience Functions Help Save Money

Thanks to the Timly concept, possibilities such as the personal allocation of tools to employees, their handover on site, but also the reporting of defects can be exploited in a completely uncomplicated and intuitive way. Each tool can be managed in the inventory software over its entire period of use. It is possible to store all desired parameters, such as maintenance work carried out and upcoming appointments.

A specialised inventory software offers several advantages for the administration. During scheduling, the maintenance planner clearly shows when which machines are not available. In addition, evaluations of the service life, susceptibility to faults and effectiveness of individual machines or tools are possible on request. This is information that would have to be gathered in a time-consuming process using paper files.

Timly Asset Management Software GDPR
Timly Asset Management Software Secure Hosting
Timly Asset Management Software SSL Encrypted

Inventory Software Helps With Stocktaking

Most companies are obliged to record the existing operating resources and materials for inventory once a year. It is not uncommon for this to interfere with company processes or for additional employees to be needed for the task. Timly has several solutions for this – a special inventory mode.

Here, a scan with the mobile device is sufficient to “tick off” the respective device. But the inventory software also enables permanent inventory in a company. This requires the constant updating of material management. A requirement that is difficult to implement without specialised and flexible software like Timly.

Material management on smartphone and tablet

More Effectiveness and Professionalism With Inventory Software

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Knowing at all times what material and work equipment is available is an important step towards increasing the effectiveness and professionalism of a company. With inventory software like Timly, you not only know what inventory is available and when. You can also determine where it is and what condition the material is in. This facilitates long-term and sustainable planning.

Before making important decisions, a look at the programme’s statistical evaluations helps. Material management with in an inventory software specialised for this purpose should therefore be a matter of course for companies.

Manage All Assets

Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.

Mobile Available Everywhere

Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.

Clever Assignment

Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.

Digital File Management

Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.

GPS Recording

Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.

Maintenance Management

Documentation of repairs & maintenance at the asset location, as well as deadline management.

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