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Is Special IT Documentation Software Useful?

IT documentation ensures that increasingly scarce and expensive IT resources are used effectively. This does not mean network plans in which IP addresses, network names and address spaces are documented. Rather, it is about looking at components individually: A PC workstation usually consists of at least one computer, a monitor, mouse and keyboard. In addition, the installed software is relevant.

The generalist approach of inventory software makes it possible to create flexible categories for any type of inventory. These can be licence expirations as well as upcoming appointments – such as the e-check. This gives you a complete overview of your IT environment, which not only makes your IT administrator’s daily work easier. It enables you to keep a permanent overview of your own inventory and arising costs for your IT management.

There is IT documentation software that is tailor-made for keeping track of all IT documentation. This is precisely adapted to the needs of the typical IT infrastructure. One focus of such software is often to map the roles of a computer in the network. Details such as installed operating systems and configurations can usually also be stored. A cloud based IT documentation tool is therefore useful within IT departments. However, this is only of limited use for a general overview of the company’s inventory.

Here, double entry would inevitably be necessary if individual queries are not to be made to the company’s IT services on a permanent basis. Service appointments, for example, concern inventory of all kinds. Only if they are managed centrally in one place can they be monitored and coordinated by individual responsible persons. Moreover, it makes little sense to consider IT hardware separately from other tools and inventory items.

Central inventory management

Individual set-up

Assign inventory


Integrated barcode scanner

Maintenance & service management

Track performance & defects

User & role administration

Record GPS locations

IT documentation with Timly software

IT Documentation – PDF, Excel and Co.

It certainly depends on the concrete individual case whether the acquisition of a digital inventory management and IT documentation is expedient. Creating an overview, for example, can also be done with documents in different formats. Pure text files and PDF documents, however, have the disadvantage that they are rather static. There is no question that they are suitable for recording and storing information once.

However, IT documentation is something highly dynamic. Some components are rather consumable, others permanently change their characteristics such as assigned locations and users. Accordingly, there is a danger that such rigid IT documentation will no longer be up-to-date after a short time. In addition, individual documents quickly become confusing if they exceed a certain size.

Using Excel is a highly universal and well-established tool. It is quite possible to create database-like worksheets that can also be used to record different inventory items. However, Excel is ultimately not designed for a specific application. Multi-user capability and access via the network only work to a limited extent.

Mobile access already fails due to a lack of clarity. Complicated handling causes errors and, in the worst case, a lack of acceptance among employees. If updating IT documentation involves too much effort, there is a risk that it will not be done due to lack of time.

For some purposes, there is great open source software that can be used as a supplement. This has the advantage that it costs nothing and the source code is freely accessible. This ensures transparency and trust. However, if you use open source software for key functions in your company, there is a risk that support will not be available in case of errors.

Missing updates or the discontinuation of projects due to lack of time on the part of the developers are also realistic scenarios that you should deal with in advance. For these reasons, specialised software for inventory and IT documentation that is subject to a fee can ultimately be the most economical solution for your IT operations.

Flexibility as a Strength of Digital Inventory Management

Inventory software such as Timly follows the approach that all inventory of a company, a public institution or a public authority can be recorded as operating equipment. This starts with furniture, continues with machines, tools and vehicles and also includes all hardware and software of a company. When recording, each object can be assigned to a category.

Accordingly, only information that is necessary for the specific purpose is recorded. On the other hand, there are no limits to the documentation. All useful parameters and details can be stored. This includes, for example, operating instructions and licence periods.

IT documentation with Timly 1

Storing IT documentation in a central database ensures that the information it contains can be optimally evaluated and linked. In this way, it is easy to carry out searches in the data inventory. Queries with filtering can be extended across the entire inventory. This offers possibilities such as a central maintenance planner in which upcoming maintenance and service dates can be displayed for all categories.

With decentralised recording, several sources would have to be searched for this or separate documentation would have to be kept. Other important information for analysing the efficiency of individual resources is made available with little effort due to the database-based storage.

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Necessary Features of Inventory Software

In order for an inventory software to really offer the possibilities necessary for IT documentation, it should contain certain functions, which we have summarised below:

Central, network-based storage location

Data must be accessible from different locations inside and outside the company or authority. The cloud-based and DSGVO-compliant solution of a software like Timly is ideal for this.

Any authorised employee can call up information via the internet, add to it and file messages. In this way, access is also possible from production sites and while on the road. This is an essential prerequisite for always keeping the data up to date.

User administration with authorisation system

All employees should only be able to access the information they need to perform their tasks. This makes it easier to find necessary information and complies with the data protection principle of data economy. Timly works with a fine-granular authorisation system to fulfil these requirements.

Intuitive Usability and Optimisation for Mobile Devices

Parallel access options are ideal. In administration, browser-based access offers a good overview on large screens. In the field or on construction sites, a special app like Timly’s helps to access the documentation and provide important information in real time.

Individualised recording of objects

Not every piece of work equipment has individual characteristics. Therefore, a printable QR code, which is attached directly to the object with space-saving stickers, helps to distinguish each object.

Afterwards, its profile can also be called up by scanning the QR code, for example with the Timly smartphone app.

Timly Asset Management Software GDPR
Timly Asset Management Software Secure Hosting
Timly Asset Management Software SSL Encrypted

IT Documentation Example

With an optimised inventory programme like Timly, you are able to cover the entire IT documentation, including configuration management. During commissioning, your IT department can individually record any components and software licences and later assign them to rooms, users and other items. During initial registration, each component receives an individual QR code.

All necessary information can then be stored according to your requirements, including a document with configuration features such as network names and IP addresses. The transfer of work equipment between employees can be easily documented via the app. Likewise, items can be assigned to their intended locations and responsible persons at any time.

IT documentation on a computer

Efficient inventory software makes IT documentation easy for your employees

Important information, such as expiring licence terms, is displayed both centrally in the administration and to the responsible employee in the Timly software. Defects can be reported directly in the app. This is helpful for employees who may work outside of the IT department’s office hours.

Administrators, on the other hand, have an easy access central tool with which they can view upcoming maintenance work and reported defects. When rolling out new hardware and software, the daily update of information such as location and responsible employees is also helpful. IT administrators have the option of displaying an overview of certain types of equipment. Time-consuming searching and linking of necessary information is no longer necessary.

Your Digital Inventory Management Is Just One Step Away

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IT Documentation as Part of the Whole

For each device, the documentation process of important events takes place over the entire period of use. This corresponds to an electronic file for each individual component. This facilitates analyses of all kinds and optimises processes. When inspections are due, for example, the responsible employee can call up all the necessary information and documents. But also for higher-level planning, such as the creation of a “management plan”, the centralised collection of all necessary information is helpful and ultimately saves time.

It is not effective to consider IT documentation separately from the management of other resources and tools. Ultimately, IT is also just work equipment that is necessary in your company or institution to perform tasks. If inventory is not available or not ready for use, this will hinder work processes. Timly’s inventory software meets all the requirements of modern IT documentation.

Manage Your Assets Intuitively

Our inventory software offers you a wide range of sophisticated functions. This way, your inventory is digitalised easily and reliably.

Manage All Assets

Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.

Mobile Available Everywhere

Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.

Clever Assignment

Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.

Digital File Management

Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.

GPS Recording

Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.

Maintenance Management

Documentation of repairs & maintenance at the asset location, as well as deadline management.

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