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Smart City Inventory Manager: In Use at DIGOOH

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Inventory manager of Timly

Timly Inventory Manager enables smart city companies like DIGOOH to manage inventory more easily

In Use at DIGOOH: Asset Management and Process Optimization

The company DIGOOH Media GmbH is considered a fast-growing and respected advertising specialist for the marketing of outdoor advertising spaces. These often digital systems are located in highly frequented places and thus ensure numerous impressions of potential customers of the advertising partners.

While the company focuses on attracting advertising partners, it saves a large amount of work time with Timly inventory manager. Inventory is relevant for all companies with physical assets: however, the trick is in the execution and management.

With Timly, the main product, digital city-light posters (DCLP), is recorded in inventory via label scan. What is not waiting to be installed in the warehouse can be quickly located in the inventory software. Thus, DIGOOH employees use simple smartphones and tablets to book the DCLPs out of the warehouse and take them with them to the installation site.

If any damage occurs, it is assigned to the item with a photo via damage report. At any time, it is clear what the status of the items is and where they are.

Smart City Inventory Manager: In Use at DIGOOH 3
12 - Lars Ritter EN 1

We are growing fast and rely on partners who can keep up with our growth. Timly is one such partner. With Timly’s asset management software, we digitise the entire inventory in the company and integrate external partners into our digital processes.

Lars Ritter

How Could Timly Solve the Problem of DIGOOH Media Gmbh?

The condition of DCLPs and other assets is important for evaluating possible new acquisitions. For this purpose, all necessary data including the safety-relevant label scan function are recorded in Timly and can be evaluated in an uncomplicated manner.

Not only does this save the use of additional programs, but also the training costs for employees and external service providers, as the Timly inventory manager is very intuitive. In order to present the unified ecosystem of the company, we show you the most important advantages at a glance:

Constant certainty about the whereabouts and condition of products

The clearly arranged desktop application makes it possible to find out the location of assets and the condition of individual objects at a glance.

Simple calculation for reinvestment based on valid data

Simple documentation of services such as repairs and maintenance, as well as recording the inventory status, means that the current need for new equipment can always be determined.

Tracking of items via scannable labels

Inventory can be quickly assigned to a location, employee or project via scanning of Timly labels. Furthermore, GPS coordinates can be automatically saved through the one-time scan.

Service history of your inventory

Information such as damage or maintenance can be recorded and documented in the inventory manager at any time on the smartphone or tablet directly at the object. Timly visualizes this data for you.

The Timly inventory manager explained simply in under 2 minutes

Technical safety management 3

Use an Inventory Manager That Really Pays Off

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The Inventory Manager 2.0 – Short Introduction

In times of digital change, it is essential for an innovator like DIGOOH Media GmbH to look for new solutions that lead to more efficiency in existing processes. As you can understand above, Timly as a digital inventory manager offers DIGOOH numerous advantages.

Inventory management has been a non-negligible task in the daily work of companies since the very beginning. With Timly, your inventory can be digitized without having to forgo efficient and proven methods of modern IT.

We have presented how our customers use the inventory manager, using DIGOOH as an example, as successful use cases. This shows how resources in the company can be conserved and processes optimized. Join us on our exciting journey through future use cases for Timly: The smart inventory software for any size of company.

Over 500 Companies, Schools and Cities Rely on Timly

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Intuitive Management of Your Inventory

With Timly you get access to an efficient inventory manager. A wide range of sophisticated functions allows you to easily digitize your inventory.

Manage All Assets

Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.

Mobile Available Everywhere

Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.

Clever Assignment

Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.

Digital File Management

Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.

GPS Recording

Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.

Maintenance Management

Documentation of repairs & maintenance at the asset location, as well as deadline management.

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