PUWER Regulation – Smart Inspection Period Management With Timly
On this page you will find information on the following topics:
- How Software Supports Those Responsible for Maintenance Management
- PUWER Regulation – Fixed Installations: Significance and Effects
- PUWER Regulation – Portable Equipment: Significance and Special Challenges
- Duties Arising From PUWER Regulation and Others – And How Timly Helps With This
- PUWER Regulations: PDF and Other Documents Permanently Available
- PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998) – Test Report in the Digital File

The Timly app is practical and reliable when it comes to digitally testing electrical installations and ensuring occupational safety as well as saving time
How Software Supports Those Responsible for Maintenance Management
The HSE has issued the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (short: PUWER Regulation), which is the authoritative regulation for companies on the testing of electrical systems and equipment. In addition, there are more regulations which are almost identical in content, but are aimed at public institutions such as authorities. Colloquially, the periodic inspection is known as the “E-check”. However, PUWER requires the regulation of the handling of electrical equipment beyond this mandatory date. There are also other standards that must be observed.
In practice, compliance with all regulations usually causes a considerable planning and administrative effort. After all, it must be ensured that no equipment is overlooked. The inventory software from Timly simplifies the observance of inspection obligations with several of the included functions. Some of the possibilities included in the maintenance management software are the reminder function, the storable location and the digital personnel and equipment file.
Those responsible in companies and public institutions benefit twofold from using the software. The workload and the resulting costs are reduced. More importantly, the risk of accidents at work due to electrical equipment that is not working properly is reduced in the long term.
PUWER Regulation – Fixed Installations: Significance and Effects
The PUWER regulation defines what is meant by electrical installations. The decisive criterion is the use of electrical energy within the system. It also specifies that an installation consists of the combination of several items of electrical equipment. Relevant in this area is first of all the obligation of the regulation. This regulates that such a fixed electrical system may only be erected, modified and maintained by a qualified electrician or under his or her responsible supervision. In addition, the recognised electrical rules must be observed during operation.
The characteristic of the fixed installation then plays a role in the management of testing intervals. It is true that the frequency of the testing of electrical equipment must be such that faults can be detected in good time. As a guideline for a complete test, the PUWER regulation specifies a pre-determined period. If protective devices are present on the system, they must be checked monthly by a qualified electrician for effectiveness and daily by the user for function.
The mapping of these inspection obligations already poses some complex requirements – which are nevertheless easy to implement with Timly. There, container objects can be created to which further inventory items can be assigned. Each object has its own maintenance calendar in which the various deadlines are entered. The software then reminds the responsible person, for example the electrician, of the deadline in a timely manner.
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PUWER Regulation – Portable Equipment: Significance and Special Challenges
For portable electrical equipment, there are other problems to be considered in addition to the management of inspection intervals. The inspection intervals in the PUWER regulation vary between six months for electrical equipment that potentially poses a higher hazard and 24 months for more statically used equipment. For portable electrical tools, a twelve-month period applies in most cases.
Given the large number of different electrical devices in most companies, it is particularly valuable if the key dates for portable devices are entered into Timly’s inventory software as soon as they are recorded.
Another advantage is the holistic management of work equipment in the software solution. In addition to the person responsible, the location and storage locations can also be recorded. In this way, it is possible to find out where the equipment to be checked is currently in use at an upcoming appointment without delay and tedious searching. The maintenance calendar helps with scheduling in advance. There, foremen can see at a glance whether appointments are due in the near future and can ensure that work equipment checks and repairs are scheduled properly.
Duties Arising From PUWER Regulation and Others – And How Timly Helps With This
In addition to the accident prevention regulations of the HSE, further requirements must be observed for electrical equipment in companies in order to maintain the its safe condition.
Since an inspection for electrical systems and equipment may only be carried out by qualified electricians, the term “qualified electrician” is defined in the PUWER regulation. This person must have completed a relevant vocational training. Alternatively, suitable persons with several years of experience can acquire the professional qualification after being examined by a qualified electrician. Proof of this must be provided. In addition to inventory management, Timly also offers a digital personnel file for employees. Qualifications, verifications and certifications can be stored in this file, so that there is maximum transparency as to which persons are authorised to carry out an inspection.
One section of the PUWER regulation stipulates that defects in electrical equipment must be rectified immediately and further use must be prevented. Timly provides a defect message in the app for such cases. This notifies responsible persons in real time and the occurrence and reporting of the defect are documented for other employees.
Further testing obligations can arise from the German DIN VDE 0701/0702 standard, which must be observed as well. The test standards DIN VDE 0701-0702 regulate test procedures to be applied after a repair and for regular tests. Thanks to the smart test deadline management Timly, it is no problem to manage several deadlines for an object in parallel.
Asset Management Software in Use by Our Customers
The Timly software is continuously evolving to meet the needs of our customers. In various success stories, we show you how Timly optimizes processes in companies, thereby saving significant effort. With Timly, inventory management becomes child’s play.

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PUWER Regulations: PDF and Other Documents Permanently Available
Timly works cloud-based and can ultimately be operated with any internet-capable end device. For convenient handling, there is the Timly app, which has been adapted to the screen sizes of smartphones and tablets. Since inspection obligations of the PUWER regulation have to be documented, fillable PDF templates can be filled in and filed directly in the profile of a recorded item.
Especially in working environments that are characterised by dirt and weather influences, this is an enormous relief compared to a clipboard with forms to be filled in by hand. The inspection results are available in real time to all involved parties in the company. Employees on site can check the proper condition of the machine at any time via the Timly app. All they have to do is scan the QR code on the machine with the Timly app.
PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998) – Test Report in the Digital File
All documents concerning an electrical implement find their place in its Timly profile. This creates a history of maintenance and inspections that is useful for various purposes. Relevant information is always available where it has to be used. When the trade supervisory authority inspects a construction site, it is a sign of professionalism if all the necessary documents can be presented without delay.

In the Timly profile of a unit, past and future maintenance and inspections can be viewed conveniently
Employees have absolute transparency regarding the proper condition of their work equipment. Supervisors have a holistic overview in real time and can exercise and prove their inspection duties and verifications without effort. Furthermore, the collection of repair and maintenance records offers the possibility to better calculate the economic efficiency of machines and tools used. In practice, this even results in financial savings when using holistic inventory management software such as Timly. This is confirmed by numerous feedbacks from satisfied customers.