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Electrical Equipment – Safety Regulations: Digital Maintenance Management

Antoinette Turkie
Antoinette TurkieInventory Expert8 Min
electrical equipment safety regulations digital maintenance management

Testing electrical systems digitally not only ensures occupational safety, but also saves a great deal of time

Easily Manage Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations With Timly

Electrical systems and equipment are a particular focus of attention when it comes to occupational safety. Regular inspections of electrical systems are not prescribed without reason. After all, the potential risks in this area are enormous. Accidents at work in connection with electrical voltage can have serious consequences. For this reason, those responsible (like authorised representatives) should attach particular importance to compliance with the prescribed inspection intervals and their proper documentation according to the electrical equipment safety regulations.

Paperwork is no longer in keeping with the times. Professional inventory management software such as Timly is designed to remind those responsible of upcoming inspection dates in good time. Each completed protocol can also be stored in the profile of the device. This allows employees to check that their equipment is in compliance with the law before they start work. For external inspections, all necessary documents are always at hand with Timly.

Link Electrical Equipment With Personal Information

Timly’s inventory software is designed to make sense of any inventory. This is ensured by the integrated flexible categories, which can be adapted by the user to the respective circumstances in a company. After the initial entry, each item receives a QR code, which can subsequently be used to call up its profile.

Since the data is stored in a cloud storage administered by Timly, any end device with an internet connection can be used to call up or update information for a work tool. The easiest way to do this is with the app optimised for smartphones and tablets. The camera of the device functions as a barcode scanner. In this way, the data record of an electrical device can also be called up easily on construction sites or in production halls.

This is helpful to meet the different safety requirements (regulations apply) when dealing with electrical equipment. The “Equipment Safety Regulations 1994” or the “Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations 2016” can be stored as accompanying documents on the end devices used and saved in the profiles of the work equipment (United Kingdom, Northern Ireland…). In combination with the integrated maintenance management, it is possible to integrate and document a history of the necessary tests:

➟ An initial test must be carried out during commissioning. This includes inspecting, testing and measuring the electrical device. After this test has been carried out, the record can remain in the profile of the work equipment for its entire service life.

The regular repeat inspection comply with the Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations should be stored in the maintenance planner. This is especially important because the intervals for different equipment differ and may depend on various regulations. The risk of using incorrect intervals can be minimised. The logging is also added to the profile of the unit after it has been carried out under the direction and supervision of a qualified electrician.

➟ The regulations apply to electrical equipment to achieve health and safety prescribe basic duties such as proper instruction of employees and the recurring inspection of equipment. Corresponding checklists, information sheets and the technical dokumentation are collected and stored in Timly’s digital device file. As a special convenience function, a link with personal information is possible – for example, to store necessary instructions and certifications and to take them into account in scheduling.

➟ Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations, also prescribe the periodic testing of electrical systems and equipment.
Thanks to the permanent availability of the database, Timly makes it easy for employees to check the proper condition of their machines before starting work. All they have to do is scan the QR code of their machine or tool with their smartphone.

In the same way, the software solution avoids unnecessary bureaucracy, as every inspection carried out can be easily documented on the smartphone without the need for a printed out inspection report for electrical equipment.

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Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations PDF: These Regulations Must Be Complied With

Working with a printed log for your facilities is not practical in many work areas. Dust, dirt and weather make it unnecessarily difficult for employees to make entries on site. The electrical equipment safety regulations, a declaration of conformity or other health and safety requirements usually have one thing in common: The form of documentation is not prescribed. Therefore, in practice, it proves expedient to use a digital inventory software to document and keep records of inspections and maintenance.

It is also advisable to save an Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations PDF digitally so that responsible persons and workers can access it directly from their mobile devices when needed. In this way, principal elements of the safety objectives are in view and everyone knows which regulations to follow.

In particular, if a device does not meet the requirements, the problem can be reported directly from the Timly inventory app. If desired, a repair order can be generated immediately, which can also be sent to external service providers. The integrated ticketing system facilitates the control of the repair status. This is where Timly’s holistic approach pays off, as it aims to be the single point of collection for all information relevant to an inventory item. The cloud-based storage also ensures that the information status is updated in real time for all parties involved.

Asset Management Software in Use by Our Customers

The Timly software is continuously evolving to meet the needs of our customers. In various success stories, we show you how Timly optimizes processes in companies, thereby saving significant effort. With Timly, inventory management becomes child’s play.

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Measurement and Maintenance Protocol: Excel Is Just a List After All

Excel is the standard programme in many companies when it comes to collecting and filing information. However, the software was designed for use in the office and requires the appropriate office equipment with a large monitor and access to the company network for meaningful operation.

Excel is rather unsuitable for use as a template on site, unless additional equipment or post-processing of the captured data is to be planned. Of course, individual documents can also be linked from a list. However, it is not possible to access them and view them easily at the workplace. This would require either redundant databases or a manual file for the collection of printed test reports.

The Timly concept, which makes data records available where they are to be used, makes more sense. This facilitates workflows and reduces the susceptibility to errors. Simple and intuitive handling via app and smartphone also increases the willingness of employees to actually carry out work steps that are rather perceived as a nuisance, such as working through checklists or searching out regulations before starting work.

Regulations for Safety Inspection of Electrical Installations

According to the safety regulations for electrical equipment, the important components of maintenance must be documented:

Inspect: Visual inspection for external defects, correct labelling, presence of required protective equipment such as insulation and fire protection.
Testing: Testing the correct function of a system including any emergency shutdown devices.
Measure: Measuring for correct values such as resistances, overcurrent and residual current protection devices, contact voltage.

In addition, the time, place and persons involved must be recorded. This is very easy with the digital personnel file and by depositing files in Timly.

electrical equipment safety regulations in a software

Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations PDF

With the Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations as a PDF, you always have the necessary regulations in view.

Necessary inspections in your company can be carried out in no time with the Timly app.
After the inspection, the protocol – as well as the Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations – can be conveniently stored in the digital object file in Timly.

Inventory Software Ensures Professional Handling

The Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations are of elementary importance when it comes to occupational safety in connection with electrical equipment. It pays to use software such as Timly for the corresponding test procedures and the associated maintenance management. Automated reminders and the constant availability of necessary information make it easier for those involved to protect themselves and others when dealing with electrical equipment.
electrical equipment safety regulations on mobile devices with software

The Timly Inventory App automatically reminds you of the next inspection date – Suitable for all electrical appliances and systems

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