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Timly’s Digital Maintenance Tracker: Always Available

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How to Plan and Document Maintenance Effectively With Software

A smart maintenance tracker is primarily used to document the maintenance measures carried out on machines and plants in companies. It is thus one of numerous necessary measures in tool and machine management. Keeping the record analogue – in the form of a folder or book – is no longer up-to-date. Working with paper records is not practical in workshops and production areas that are often characterised by dirt and other emissions. Moreover, you do not make optimal use of the collected data in this way.

Recording maintenance in Timly’s maintenance tracker is simple and intuitive. Entries end up in the digital equipment file and are available in real time to all responsible parties. Employees can always check that their equipment is in good condition, and technicians responsible for maintenance are always up to date. With Timly, managers have a complete overview of economic efficiency and susceptibility to repair. Timly becomes the central information pool for the entire company’s inventory.

Maintenance: Definition and Practical Importance

Germany’s DIN standard 31051 classifies maintenance as a sub-area of servicing. Further elements are inspection, repair and improvement, for example through updates or the installation of optimised parts. Accordingly, maintenance primarily serves to delay wear and tear and to maintain the actual condition. In practice, the theoretical separation of maintenance measures is probably often less relevant.

In general understanding, maintenance ultimately includes all preventive measures to maintain long-term functionality. This includes, for example, the replacement of wear parts, maintenance of parts through cleaning as well as lubrication and replacement of operating materials. Smaller repairs can often be sensibly integrated into planned maintenance. Timly’s transparent maintenance tracker helps to coordinate upcoming appointments.

Over 500 Companies, Schools and Cities Rely on Timly

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Six Reasons Why Maintenance Is So Important

1. Safety: regular maintenance prevents malfunctions on machines and tools that can lead to dangerous situations. The risk of occupational accidents decreases on properly maintained work equipment. 2.

2. Productivity: unplanned breakdowns cause problems in work processes that jeopardise deadlines and cause stress. Regular replacement of wear parts and equipment ensures trouble-free operations.

3. Value Retention: wear and tear as well as the risk of major damage to machinery and equipment is reduced if they are regularly maintained. This contributes to maintaining the value of the equipment in the long term.

4. Compliance: Legal requirements such as the Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG) and the regulations of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) oblige employers to ensure safe working conditions.

5. Manufacturer’s Warranty: The manufacturer’s warranty is often conditional on regular maintenance. If the worst comes to the worst, not taking the necessary measures can be doubly expensive.

6. Durability: The lifespan of machines increases significantly with the quality of regular maintenance. This ensures sustainability and cost savings.

With effective maintenance planning and careful documentation in the maintenance book, you create real added value for your company. Timly offers the best prerequisites for this with its maintenance planner and the digital device file.

Organise Inspections Holistically With Timly

With Timly you have the possibility to manage all assets in the company in a uniform way. It doesn’t matter whether it’s consumables or highly complex machinery. The profiles in the inventory list can be flexibly adapted to the respective requirements, so that in one case they contain only a few basic details and in the other case technical details, extensive descriptions and documents of any kind. The container function provides a better overview. This allows assets to be firmly assigned to other objects or locations.

The software is cloud-based. All you need is a sufficient number of internet-enabled end devices. Access to the company’s internal network does not have to be granted. This ensures that access is possible from any work location without compromising network security. In this way, maintenance can be documented directly on site and permanently stored in the maintenance tracker of the digital equipment file.

With Timly’s maintenance management, each asset has its own calendar. This allows maintenance to be planned and inspections to be clearly coordinated in the maintenance planner. The practical reminder function also sends timely notices about the due dates.

Timly is an effective maintenance tracker – HAUSER in Austria shows how it’s done

Timly’s Digital Maintenance Tracker: Always Available 3
Maintenance Tracker on multiple devices

With Timly’s Intuitive Planning Software, You Have Everything in View, Always and Everywhere

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Document Everything Easily With the Timly App

For practical use, Timly’s inventory management offers the possibility to mark assets with QR codes. With the barcode scanner integrated in the app, their profiles can be called up in this way without manual input. The digital maintenance book is available to service technicians at any work location in just a few simple steps. Entries can be made in parallel to the execution of the maintenance measures. Annoying administrative work is eliminated.

At the same time, employees have access to the maintenance book of their work equipment at any time with the app. This way, they can check the proper condition of the equipment when they take it over and have the necessary evidence available for safety inspections. The current condition can be recorded by photos if desired. Damage or defects are also reported directly via the app so that they can be rectified at the latest during the next maintenance.

Create a Template for Maintenance Tracker With Timly

In many companies, certain templates are provided for the maintenance tracker. With Timly, common file formats such as PDF documents can be included directly in the digital device file. This makes it easy to fill out checklists and documentation of maintenance work directly on the mobile device. The cumbersome handling of paper forms with clipboard and biros is eliminated. The documentation can be kept in consistently high quality and permanently stored without reworking. Difficult light and weather conditions no longer cause problems.

Maintenance Tracker: Unique Template or Universal Solution With Timly

Very specialised software is offered for many tasks. Some of it is also freeware or open source projects. It is problematic to link different requirements such as security, maintenance and the daily disposition of work equipment with each other. If there are no corresponding interfaces in the software, this has to be done manually by employees. This costs unnecessary time and ultimately leads to loss of information and errors in everyday life.

With Timly’s maintenance app, you have a universal software solution that accompanies assets in your company throughout their entire life cycle. All relevant events and information are brought together there. The stored data records are used sensibly where they are needed. With Timly, double entries of information and manual rework are a thing of the past.

Timly Asset Management Software GDPR
Timly Asset Management Software Secure Hosting
Timly Asset Management Software SSL Encrypted

Maintenance Tracker and Inventory Management: Trust the Market Leader

Maintenance and structured inventory management ensure sustainable handling of one’s own work equipment.

Many well-known companies, from medium-sized businesses to DAX-listed companies, organise their asset management with Timly.

Employee uses Timly's Maintenance Tracker

Keeping an eye on everything with the smart Timly app

Positive feedback shows that resources can be used more effectively with Timly and workflows can be designed more efficiently. In this way, the maintenance tracker as part of the digital device file saves valuable working time and conserves expensive working resources.

Use Timly as a Inspection Tracker: Simple and Intuitive

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Clever App for All Processes

Always keep everything in view with Timly. Digitise your processes to easily save time and resources. Experience the wide range of sophisticated functions now in advance in a free demo.

Manage All Assets

Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.

Mobile Available Everywhere

Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.

Clever Assignment

Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.

Digital File Management

Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.

GPS Recording

Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.

Maintenance Management

Documentation of repairs & maintenance at the asset location, as well as deadline management.

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