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Implementing TSM and BMS Smartly and Easily With Timly

Optimise processes with the Timly Cloud software solution

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Managing Supply Processes Safely – TSM and BMS

In order to always meet all certification and qualification aspects required for responsible gas and water supply, supply and pipeline construction companies must securely manage a large number of complex organisational and administrative processes.

Currently, information about the qualification status quo of the employees as well as about upcoming trainings or inspection intervals of machines and equipment is stored decentrally in many companies and can only be monitored reliably with a very high expenditure of time and personnel.

In order to implement the essential tasks of an operational management system (BMS), the LANG Group, together with Timly Software AG, has developed the Timly inventory software, which is tailored to the requirements of line construction. This centralises the information in the company and creates transparency and cost efficiency.

Especially in the context of TSM and BMS, decision-making processes can be shortened and clear structures created, so that, in addition to executing companies, municipal utilities are already successfully using the solution.

Quality management systems such as technical safety management (TSM) and business management systems (BMS) are not an end in themselves, but fulfil important tasks for sustainable supply security in the sense of services of general interest.

Nevertheless, the organisational processes in pipeline construction are thus also becoming increasingly complex when it comes to keeping track of all the requirements and data associated with these systems in a safe and reliable manner at all times. For a company management that is fit for the future against this background, digital tools offer great potential for optimising numerous processes as well as for managing the most important company resources.

However, this works best with a software solution specially tailored to the requirements of the industry. From the industry for the industry: this was also the developmental approach of the Timly Cloud Software – personnel management and inventory management – jointly developed by the LANG Group from Bodenheim near Mainz and Timly Software AG, Zurich.

TSM – A Qualitative Basis for Sustainable Supply Security

Technical safety management – an important building block for the self-monitoring of a utility company – was specifically tailored to the needs of utility companies by the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW), Bonn, as a quality management system. Successful certification guarantees the highest quality of supply and certifies that the utility company has an orderly, efficient and quality-oriented operational management.

The core task of the TSM is to support the independent action of the companies and at the same time to strengthen the competence of the technical self-administration of the public gas and water supply. In this way, the TSM also contributes to minimising liability risks and to guaranteeing security of action for employees and managers.

All technically relevant requirements for qualification and organisation have been summarised by the DVGW in Worksheets G 1000 (gas) and W 1000 (water).

For utilities, TSM certification is therefore a confirmation that they have a company organisation that meets all technical supply requirements, as well as suitable processes that must be continuously monitored and documented.

BMS – Quality in Construction

Another component of a secure gas and water supply is the technically flawless laying of pipelines. Utility companies can only fulfil this task if only efficient and reliable companies are commissioned with the construction and maintenance of pipeline-related infrastructures.

In this context, certification in accordance with DVGW Code of Practice GW 301 has proven itself for many years as proof of the qualification of pipeline construction companies. For clients in the gas and water supply sector, GW 301 represents an excellent prequalification procedure for the selection of specialist companies.

An essential component of this inspection and certification of pipeline construction companies is the business management system (BMS). In this process, companies active in pipeline construction are audited, certified and regularly monitored with regard to formal, personnel and factual requirements.

The Timly software for TSM and BMS in use on the major construction site “Zukunft Bahnhof Bern” (Future of Bern Station) 🚧 ⛓ 🛠

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Lang Group: Opting for a Customised Solution

For both management systems, for the TSM as well as for the BMS, extensive documentation must be kept with regard to planning and monitoring as well as the timely implementation of training or compliance with maintenance and inspection intervals for machines and equipment and much more. Utility companies as well as companies active in pipeline construction mostly use a complicated system of Excel files, filing systems and also self-built SharePoint solutions for monitoring and documentation.

These systems are usually person-bound, costly to maintain and often prone to errors. This was also the initial situation of the LANG Group – at least until the beginning of 2019. The complex system of Excel files was time-consuming to maintain and documents were distributed decentrally throughout the company. In the context of increasing digitalisation of internal company processes, it was clearly recognised at LANG that the traditional documentation paths were no longer in line with the requirements of modern and sustainable company management.

A new software solution was to automate processes, centralise information and documents in the company, but also provide management support in the form of key figures and evaluation options as well as administrative relief. As no solution meeting this requirement profile could be found on the market, LANG decided to develop the Timly Cloud solution for TSM and BMS together with Timly Software AG, Zurich.

The smart development was configured to support both utilities and construction companies in quality assurance and in the implementation of a variety of TSM and BMS requirements. Thus, it is a solution “from the industry – for the industry”.

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TSM and BMS – Timly Applications Facilitate Handling

But how does the software work in concrete terms in light of the requirements formulated in DVGW Codes of Practice G 1000 / W 1000 and GW 301?

With the Timly Cloud solution, three of the four main topics of G 1000/W 1000 can be implemented:


  1. Structure and process organisation
  2. Personnel & qualifications
  3. Technical equipment
  4. Contractors
Bild zeigt TSM und BMS auf Desktop Bildschirm

Timly is customised to the processes of TSM and BMS

Topic 2: Automatic Monitoring & Documentation of Staff Qualifications

The TSM prescribes continuous monitoring of the qualifications of skilled personnel and professional supervision. The Timly Personal solution supports companies throughout the entire training process, which can be divided into four process steps:

Overview of qualifications in the company:

The competences, qualifications and certifications of employees become transparent thanks to employee profiles. With the Timly personnel solution, the following questions, for example, are quickly answered:

➠ How many qualified PE welders do I have?

➠ Who is trained as a water sampler?

➠ Who has been instructed in the handling of the chainsaw?

TSM und BMS Prozesse dargestellt

Employee profile with competence overview (example)

Automated monitoring and notification:

Timly Personal takes over the monitoring of qualifications and automatically reminds the responsible persons proactively and in a timely manner via email as soon as training and education have to be repeated. In addition, the overview provided simplifies training planning. Bottlenecks in qualifications can be recognised at an early stage and corrective measures can be initiated.

Administrative support for training and instruction:

When a training course is first created in Timly Personal, the system generates the invitations for the employees and the list of participants. Once a training course has been completed, the system can automatically take over the documentation.

Automatic file documentation:

The system automatically adds the added or renewed skills and competences in the employee profile after completion of a training or further education measure.

Topic 3: Proper Technical Equipment

Companies certified according to GW 301 and TSM must continuously ensure the functionality and functional safety of their technical equipment and document this. Timly Inventory Management offers the systemic prerequisites for this. With Timly Inventory, the equipment and inventory of a company are managed centrally.

For clean identification, each object is given a unique QR code that can be scanned with any smartphone. In this way, the digital data record is also available on the construction site and can be supplemented with important documents such as instructions for use, user instructions and certificates. This information is thus available wherever the equipment is used.

TSM und BMS Prozesse dargestellt

From the mobile app easily into the software via the barcode scanner

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Monitoring regulations and inspection intervals can be stored for each item or piece of equipment. The system takes over the monitoring of deadlines and proactively informs the responsible person by e-mail.

Inspections, repairs and maintenance of the object or device can be easily stored directly in the system. In addition to the required TSM monitoring functions, the Timly inventory solution offers many other functionalities that simplify inventory management and operational processes:

Assigning Inventory to a Construction Site or a Specific Person

Individual inventory can be assigned to a construction site or a location such as a room in Timly. Furthermore, individual inventory can be assigned to employees so that it can be historically traced who has obtained which inventory. You keep the overview. This is how tool management works.

Assigning Inventory to a Construction Site or a Specific Person

With one click, the location of a device or vehicle can be captured and saved on the spot using a smartphone.

Assigning Inventory to a Construction Site or a Specific Person

An integrated barcode scanner in the Timly Cloud application allows you to take inventory with your smartphone.

Topic 4: Monitoring of partners

The TSM regulations stipulate that companies must regularly check their contractual partners and service providers to ensure that they are able to provide the offered service in the required quality. If the partner is appropriately certified, one can assume that he is capable, but one is still obliged to check the validity of the certificate at regular intervals.

The Timly Cloud offers the possibility of an automatic monitoring of the partners and their certification as well as the documentation of the verification in the system, analogous to the Timly inventory solution.

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Smooth Audits Thanks to Central Data and High Transparency

By using the Timly Cloud solution, the LANG Group has succeeded in bringing together the data that is stored in many places in the company in a structured manner. This has helped to create a high degree of transparency, relieve the administration and reduce costs. As a result of this central data storage, access to data and evaluations has also been simplified for the management, which has led to faster and more efficient data-based decision-making processes.

All in all, this has led to an optimisation and reduction of the workload for all parties involved, which has also become apparent in the organisation and implementation of the audits required for the company. Previously, audits for the LANG Group involved a great deal of time and effort in terms of personnel. A large number of documents and records had to be compiled as part of the audit process.

Thanks to the organised and centralised data storage by the Timly Cloud, the process could already be significantly shortened during the last audit. With the integrated search and filter functions, information and documents could now be called up ad-hoc during the audit procedure and presented digitally to the auditor. The LANG Group is now quite relaxed about the next audits.

Intuitive Management of Your Inventory

With Timly you get access to efficient inventory software. A wide range of sophisticated functions makes it easy to digitalise your inventory.

Manage All Assets

Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.

Mobile Available Everywhere

Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.

Clever Assignment

Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.

Digital File Management

Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.

GPS Recording

Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.

Maintenance Management

Documentation of repairs & maintenance at the asset location, as well as deadline management.

A Short Interview of the Lang Group With Timly

“Fast data management with home-made solutions was no longer possible!”

Timly’s extraordinary performance, tailored to the requirements of pipeline construction, is not least the result of a constructive exchange and a joint development offensive between Timly Software AG and the LANG Group, which has been active in pipeline construction for several generations.

In this short interview, the two authors of the article, Philipp Baumann, Managing Director and founder of Timly, and Sebastian Lang, Managing Director of LANG GmbH Bauunternehmen seit 1891, talk about the successful cooperation.

Mr Baumann, what was the starting point for the development of the Timly software?

Implementing TSM and BMS Smartly 3
Philipp Baumann, Co-Founder & CEO Timly Software AG

“It is an essential core of our corporate philosophy to develop software solutions in the direction of very concrete practical requirements. Naturally, this can only work by exchanging ideas with a partner from industry about concrete problems and optimisation potentials that exist in a sector.

This approach brought us into contact with the LANG Group from Bodenheim. Together with LANG, we then started to address a powerful cloud-based documentation approach for workforce qualifications & certifications.”

Was Mr Baumann eager to work with you, Mr Lang?

“The initial impetus came from us. Mr Baumann brought the digital expertise to the table, we brought the expertise from the construction industry. By bringing together these two complementary fields of expertise, together we have created a truly innovative product that is tailored to the needs of our industry.

But let me briefly explain the background to our initiative. The LANG Group holds various certificates and approvals. Here, for example, those according to GW 301, GW 302, the quality mark RAL 961 Sewer Construction or the quality mark RAL 962/2 Cable Line Civil Engineering.

Quality-oriented work is part of our company’s DNA. That is why we regularly undergo these recognised inspection procedures and thus ensure the consistently high quality of our construction services and the defined standards. Essential prerequisites in this context are the professional training and further education of our employees as well as the impeccable technical equipment in our company.

Implementing TSM and BMS Smartly 4

Sebastian Lang, Managing Director of the LANG Group

Reliable management of all these subtasks is associated with a high organisational and documentary effort. We clearly realised that a fast and reliable handling of these relevant data was no longer possible on the basis of homemade Excel tables”.

What has changed through the use of Timly?

“In the Timly Cloud we have installed a highly beneficial tool that is tailored exactly to our needs, reduces our administrative workload and takes over many of the necessary monitoring functions. We are convinced that with the Timly Cloud solution we now meet our corporate due diligence obligations even better and have improved quality assurance in order to fulfil our corporate responsibility in these areas in a legally secure manner.”

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