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Maintenance Software: Which Functions Should It Include?

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Why Inventory Is So Important in a Company

Tools and machines should function reliably. The prerequisite for this is regular maintenance and compliance with prescribed inspections. Unplanned downtimes usually cost money when managing work orders and maintenance activities no longer work.

There are various approaches to guaranteeing the smoothest possible workflows. These include keeping inventory lists and assigning personal responsibility for assigned work equipment. You can support your employees by giving them a powerful digital tool: A maintenance software like Timly’s web based asset tracking software. In the following, we would like to show you what advantages this brings with it.

The term inventory should be interpreted as comprehensively as possible. It ultimately includes all movable and stationary objects as well as technical equipment that are necessary for the fulfilment of your tasks. This starts with office furniture, continues with the IT infrastructure and includes all tools, machines and vehicles of your company.

Of course, all assets and equipment should first and foremost fulfil their purpose. To do this, they must be functional and in proper condition. In addition, there are inspection requirements from a wide range of laws and regulations.

Some of the regulations also include a documentation obligation. That is why you and your employees must have a permanent overview in order to be able to answer the following questions:

  • Where is my inventory?
  • What condition is it in?
  • When are maintenance or inspection appointments due?
  • What work was (exactly) carried out during maintenance or repair?

The real time documentation of maintenance operations and repairs is also important from an economic point of view. Recording the work and facility maintenance carried out and the resulting costs makes it easier for you to identify unprofitable work equipment and replace it if necessary.

Inventory Software, Maintenance Planner and Co.: One Product for All Needs

If you were to make the effort to assign assets used in your company to a sub-category, the result would probably be an impressive list. If you were to add a column for necessary information and upcoming deadlines to this list, the result would almost certainly be a confusing collection that would no longer be useful.

Software-based aids such as Excel tables or special software, for example maintenance planners, can be a great help. However, the more software products you use, the greater the risk of duplicating information in valuable working time.

Similarly, using different software for each task can create unnecessary challenges for your staff. The more complicated workflows are, the longer they take and the more error-prone the work becomes. In the worst case, entries are forgotten or omitted due to time pressure.

If there are gaps in your documentation, however, the whole system is quickly unusable. Therefore, it pays off to use a multifunctional tool for inventory management such as Timly. Its flexibility and range of functions makes it possible to collect all the necessary information about a work tool clearly in one place. Intuitive operation promotes acceptance for use among your employees.

The Timly maintenance software in use with HAUSER in Austria
Maintenance Software: Which Functions Should It Include? 4
Maintenance software on three devices

Machines, Tools and Co. – Never Miss a Test Deadline Again!

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Market Leader in Maintenance Software Functionality: Timly

An enterprise asset management system like Timly accompanies each entered item throughout its entire service life. When the asset is first entered, it receives a space-saving sticker with a QR code. The categories for each work equipment are flexible and can be adapted to individual requirements.

In addition to general information, for example, operating instructions, maintenance instructions and fixed or temporary assignments to employees can be recorded. If desired, an entry can also grow into a digital file of an inventory item. Complete records of use, maintenance, repairs and inspection dates can be entered.

Data is stored centrally in a cloud administered by the provider. Of course, this complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and has a fine-grained authorisation and authentication system. This form of data storage offers numerous advantages: The data stock can be called up at any time from any work location with an internet-capable device.

This means that employees on construction sites or in the field have access to important information, but can also update it at any time. In this way, reports of defects reach the person in charge in the workshop in real time and necessary spare parts can be procured immediately.

It is almost impossible to overlook upcoming maintenance appointments. The office manager receives the relevant information when assigning the devices and the employee on site sees the upcoming deadlines when taking over a device.

Timly offers a user friendly inventory app for mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, especially for access on site, on construction sites and in production halls. Thanks to mobile apps, the camera of your devices also serves as a scanner for the QR code. This makes it very easy for your employees to actively use the maintenance and inventory management software.

This way, they always have all the necessary information about facilities and machines at hand in their pocket.
By the way: The functions presented are only a part of the possibilities you have with Timly. The package also includes other features such as an inventory mode, a personnel administration in which the necessary certificates of competence can be managed, and a material administration.

Is There Good Maintenance Software for Free?

Open source and freeware have their charm. Hobby developers and start-ups sometimes offer their software free of charge or even open source to establish themselves on the market. However, if you want to rely on such software for individual tasks, you should always have an alternative in mind, for example if development is suddenly discontinued or the developers cannot react promptly to security vulnerabilities that become known.

The use of cloud storage, the permanent further development of a product and, last but not least, competent and always available support cost money. Freeware is usually not in a position to offer such a service if the costs incurred cannot be covered elsewhere – for example through advertising.

In most cases, professional software with a fee is far superior in terms of its range of functions, so that the resulting licensing costs are repaid by the savings in your staff’s working time and the better utilisation of available resources.

Over 250 Companies, Schools and Cities Rely on Timly

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Not All Maintenance Softwares Are the Same – Comparison Pays Off

Work areas such as the management of work equipment, materials management, facility management and IT administration cannot always be neatly separated from each other.

Operating different stand-alone solutions is not effective because no data is exchanged among them and undesirable redundancies are maintained.

Maintenance software used by an employee

Timly’s maintenance software for more efficiency

Not every software follows the same holistic approach as Timly – without sacrificing specific functions.  Ideally, all work areas access the same database and have the possibility to store their specific information there.

In this way, convenience functions, such as a ticketing system for defects, can be implemented. Timly even allows the integration of external service providers. Thus, a repair at a partner company can be initiated from within the software.

Ideally, enterprise asset management software will accompany your company over a long period of time and play a key role on the path to Industry 4.0. It is therefore worthwhile to thoroughly compare the functions offered with your own requirements in advance. You should not be satisfied with any compromise solutions.

Maintenance Software: Switzerland, Austria and Germany – Customers Have Similar Requirements

Proof of the successful implementation of Timly’s various functions is the heterogeneous clientele from all German-speaking countries. These include construction companies from Austria as well as craft businesses in Switzerland and public authorities or schools from Germany.

In many areas, decision-makers recognise the need to manage their physical resources with the help of sophisticated software. The software helps companies of different sizes to ensure the functionality of their technical facilities by coordinating maintenance, inspections and test dates in a uniform manner.

The software helps users make the best use of their equipment and avoid wasting valuable working time on manual inventory management.

Experience the Timly Asset Management Solution for Yourself

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Intuitive Management of Your Inventory

Our maintenance software offers you a wide range of sophisticated functions. This way, your inventory is digitalised easily and reliably.

Manage All Assets

Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.

Mobile Available Everywhere

Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.

Clever Assignment

Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.

Digital File Management

Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.

GPS Recording

Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.

Maintenance Management

Documentation of repairs & maintenance at the asset location, as well as deadline management.

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