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Resource Management Software: Its Advantages for Trade, Industry, Construction and Administration

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Resource management software in use at a company

Timly is already used in industry & trade, construction & crafts, as well as the health sector and public administration

Resource Management Software: Definition and Benefits

Resources mean work equipment, devices and machines: tangible or digital means without which work cannot be done well. A suitable computer programme for resource management can optimise work processes because skilled workers have to spend less time preparing or searching for tools, licences or hardware.

In addition to the efficient management of new and older operating resources, such software also serves to ensure that inspection and maintenance dates are no longer missed. Thus, inventory software increases safety in operations and can extend the life of equipment. To ensure that this works correctly, each piece of equipment is clearly recorded in the software’s database with all its important data.

A resource management software like Timly quickly shows where a resource is located, i.e. which employee is currently using it or in which storage compartment it is waiting to be used. For this to succeed, the code stuck on the device must be scanned and an entry made in the Timly app or on the PC every time there is a change of location. Intangible goods can be manually selected in the database of the resource management software.

Can You Manage Your Resources With Excel?

Many companies still manage their inventory manually, for example with magnets or paper in a storage room. Others have created Excel lists and have individuals enter the data of all employees. These systems are prone to errors because they rely on the presence and concentration of individuals or the physical integrity of poorly secured overview plans. Information is quickly lost and misunderstandings arise.

Without proper user administration and a well thought-out rights management system, even self-built cloud solutions with uploaded tables are of no help. It is also not enough to have an email address for each employee to find resources. It is much more important to have complete documentation, including more individual information on resources than any Excel spreadsheet can provide.

Whether it is the management of school supplies, handicraft equipment and tools or the computer equipment in the offices: with modern resource management software, documentation becomes easier and more secure. The responsibility for the company inventory is distributed among almost all employees, so that illness or holidays of individuals no longer pose a problem for the management of operating resources.

The Timly resource management software explained in under 2 minutes

Resource management software on a smartphone

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Does Resource Management With Freeware Make Sense?

If you are looking for low-cost versions of management software, you may come across offers for freeware resource management tools. In most cases, this will take care of some of the tasks of your business; however, it cannot cover other management tasks. Your staff will then continue to use slips of paper, Excel spreadsheets or magnetic boards alongside the software.

This increases the likelihood of data entry being forgotten because notes would now have to be made in several places. This makes inventory management inefficient and the company loses the supposedly saved money elsewhere, for example because hardware fails or tools are lost (see also tool management).

Even if the expiry of contracts for licences or support is not noticed, this can have costly consequences. Also think about user manuals: How often are these booklets misplaced, so that valuable skilled worker time is spent looking for them or operating machines incorrectly? – So instead of trying out various freeware inventory software, it’s better to write down your specific requirements for equipment management software and submit them to a professional provider like Timly.

We can customise our proven resource planning software to meet your company’s needs, so you’ll find all the functionality you need in one app and no longer have to deal with makeshift solutions.

Over 500 Companies, Schools and Cities Rely on Timly

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Advantages of Professional, Cloud-Based Software

Our powerful inventory software offers versatile functions. Which employee or which group of employees should use which software options can be set via rights management and interface customisation.

Timly makes it possible to manage equipment on the move via the inventory app and also to keep an eye on maintenance deadlines and licences that are no longer available. This makes the programme particularly suitable for companies or institutions with field staff and home office employees.

Resource management software with a QR code

The Timly resource management software is widely used on construction sites

Of course, resource management on a mobile device also saves time if the company premises are extensive, as it is no longer necessary to go to a specific storage or administration room. Nevertheless, the resource management software can be accessed from stationary PCs, for example, to create comprehensive planning.

In this context, it is helpful that business processes are mapped more measurably with the programme than with analogue or freeware solutions. I If desired, we also offer interfaces to enterprise software, such as accounting software programs. We also advise you on what to consider if your company has several locations whose inventory is to be managed jointly.

By the way, our service hotline is not only available to you before the purchase and in the implementation phase, but also if you have questions or suggestions during the period of use.

The Inventory Software That Really Pays Off

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Useful and efficient equipment management software is as sensible as it is obvious: investing in professional, specialised inventory software is cheaper in the long run than relying on free partial solutions or cumbersome makeshift methods.

You will save your employees and yourself unnecessarily complicated administrative work and frustrating experiences with defective equipment or service contracts that are not renewed in time (keyword compliance!) if you invest in modern and individually customisable equipment management software today rather than tomorrow.

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Managing Your Assets Intuitively

Our resource management software offers you a wide range of sophisticated functions. This way, your inventory is digitalised easily and reliably.

Manage All Assets

Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.

Mobile Available Everywhere

Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.

Clever Assignment

Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.

Digital File Management

Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.

GPS Recording

Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.

Maintenance Management

Documentation of repairs & maintenance at the asset location, as well as deadline management.

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