On this page you will find information on the following topics:
- How Timly’s Inventory Software Provides a Holistic Overview
- How Inventory Management With an App Works
- App Inventory Management: Hardly Feasible Free of Charge
- Inventory and Warehouse Management App Free of Charge: These Risks Are Imminent
- Inventory Software Freeware: German as a Possible Language Is Usually a Basic Requirement
- Inventory Database: Freeware Usually Has a “Catch”
- Professional Software Package From Timly: Six Unbeatable Arguments
Always keep an eye on and organise your inventory with the Timly app
How Timly’s Inventory Software Provides a Holistic Overview
App inventory management is a logical step towards practicality and user-friendliness. Employees are used to receiving necessary information via a smartphone from their private environment. Most people carry their mobile companion with them at all times and are familiar with its operation. The Timly app takes advantage of this fact. Valuable information, the collection of which used to be associated with a lot of administrative effort, most of which was not very popular, can be processed intuitively with the Timly app and kept up to date.
But those responsible in companies also benefit when inventory is managed with an app. For example, the app simplifies many work processes. Existing assets are used more sustainably. Ultimately, experience has shown that the productive use of the Timly app results in not inconsiderable savings. This article shows why this is the case.
How Inventory Management With an App Works
The basis for managing the inventory of an entire company with one app is the Timly cloud service. This is where the threads of inventory management come together, so to speak – well protected by DSGVO-compliant security precautions and a fine-granular authorisation system. This offers the advantage that only an internet-enabled end device is required for access.
Each inventory item receives a QR code for identification, which is attached with a space-saving sticker. It is then possible to call up the profile of an asset with a barcode scanner. With a smartphone or tablet, the integrated camera is sufficient. Additional hardware is not necessary.
In terms of content, there are almost no limits to the profile of the inventory item. In addition to general information such as name and technical data, there is room in the profile for assignments to persons or locations as well as operating instructions and maintenance information. In addition, there is a calendar for each asset in which dates for upcoming inspections and maintenance are entered.
This is followed by an automated notification of internal or external responsible persons. For bulk items, there is an automatic level indicator and the possibility to create “digital twins” during data entry.
Employees have the option to report inventory defects directly via the app. The repair process is tracked in Timly’s inventory app and can be traced at any time. Checklists that have to be completed when a machine is taken over at the start of work can be integrated in a PDF document directly on the end device and stored in Timly.
There is maximum transparency for all employees with regard to storage locations and the condition of work equipment. Without any slips of paper or forms.
Learn How to Manage and Organise Inventory With the Timly App in Under 2 Minutes.
Manage Assets Easily and Everywhere With the Timly App
(No credit card required)
App Inventory Management: Hardly Feasible Free of Charge
In the app stores of the various providers, there are mostly free offers for numerous application purposes. The developers’ intention is often to convince customers of their own product and to bind them to it. If the projects are not hobby projects, they are financed through advertising or in-app purchases.
Setting up the necessary infrastructure to be able to manage the inventory of an entire company with an app is time-consuming and requires a lot of know-how on the part of the developers. In addition, those responsible need planning security when they rely on a software solution for such an important area as inventory management. Timly is an established provider that has numerous satisfied customers.
These are companies and authorities of various sizes. They also include DAX companies with various locations that manage inventory via the app. When you choose Timly, you get a mature and proven asset tracking software – without unpleasant surprises.
Inventory and Warehouse Management App Free of Charge: These Risks Are Imminent
To be able to manage inventory with an app, cloud storage makes sense. With apps from unknown developers, it is often unclear where the data is actually stored. This is not only a criterion for exclusion according to the provisions of the GDPR as soon as personal data is included. Ultimately, you run incalculable risks if you entrust data that is necessary for operational processes to a provider without proper contractual agreements. There is always the risk that the cloud service will be shut down.
The risk of compromise also increases if there is no permanent team of developers to further develop an app and react to known security vulnerabilities in libraries used. Timly has competent and experienced developers who are busy improving the software every day. Bug fixes and security patches are applied on an ongoing basis. Managing an app inventory with Timly stands for security and continuity.
Inventory Software Freeware: German as a Possible Language Is Usually a Basic Requirement
The use of English in the business environment has become a matter of course in view of international teams of employees. At the same time, it is sometimes overlooked that older employees in particular, who hardly or rarely need the English language in their daily lives, have unnecessary comprehension problems if a software only has an English-language user interface.
This leads to avoidable delays due to enquiries and, in the worst case, to operating errors.
Manage inventory anywhere and anytime with the Timly App
Freeware that was not developed in Germany often has no or only poorly translated German user guidance. Timly is international. Of course, they take the time to translate menus and help texts perfectly into the customer’s desired language.
Over 500 Companies, Schools and Cities Rely on Timly
Inventory Database: Freeware Usually Has a “Catch”
In order to manage inventory dynamically with an app, a database is required in the background. Modelling, configuring and operating a database is a complex process on which its performance depends. If a freeware relies on its own format, compatibility in case of a necessary migration is a problem that can hardly be solved. In addition, there is a need for a server that is accessible in the network if you want to have sufficient app inventory management.
It is a real challenge from a security point of view to also enable access from work sites such as construction sites or from the home office. Timly’s database runs on the secure cloud server. Proven experts take care of the professional administration.
Professional Software Package From Timly: Six Unbeatable Arguments
We have summarised some of the most important advantages of using Timly to manage inventory with an app:
1. No More Searching:
The Timly app makes it possible to track where a required work resource is at any time.
2. No Double Entry Necessary:
The Timly database is used for all necessary purposes. In addition to pure inventory management, these are, for example, maintenance management, inspection intervals in accordance with DGUV regulations and stocktaking.
3. Personal Allocation Leads to Careful Handling:
If a tool is permanently assigned to a responsible person in Timly and added to the digital personnel file, experience shows that this person treats it with more care due to the personal responsibility.
4. Important Documents on Site:
Employees have permanent access to necessary instructions, but also to test protocols, for example in the context of inspections.
5. Avoidance of Cumbersome Work Processes Is Eliminated:
The more intuitive and time-saving an imposed task is to perform, the more likely it is to be carried out.
6. Opening Up One’s Own Network Is Not Necessary With Timly:
Every service offered from one’s own network increases the risk of an attack by cyber criminals.
Always Keep an Eye on Everything With the Timly App – Start Free Demo Now
(No credit card required)
The Smart App for All Assets
Manage inventory, materials and all other components of your business easily, anywhere and anytime with our smart app.
Manage All Assets
Whether IT resources, tools, machines, vehicle fleet, furniture or contracts: everything in Timly.
Mobile Available Everywhere
Localise your assets with the integrated barcode scanner for smartphones & tablets.
Clever Assignment
Easily assign assets to people, projects, rooms, locations or external service providers.
Digital File Management
Digitally store important information, files, documents, audit trails & contacts for your assets.
GPS Recording
Save the exact GPS location of your assets with one scan. All GPS data historically verifiable.