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The Training Management Software for Employee Skills & Certifications

One system: Timly links your assets with the employee skills in your company. The training management software lets you easily manage all aspects of qualifications, certifications and training in digital form.
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Die digitale Personalakte angewendet in allen Branchen

The Training Management Software for Employee Skills & Certifications

One system: Timly links your assets with the employee skills in your company. The training management software lets you easily manage all aspects of qualifications, certifications and training in digital form.
(No credit card required)
Die digitale Personalakte angewendet in allen Branchen


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Timly Digitally Maps Skills & Certifications

Manage skills, authorisations, certifications and training needs in the company, as well as important deadlines digitally and clearly. The HR software is especially suitable for companies where occupational health and safety is a major issue.
Training Management Software 51

Digital Skills Management

➟ Map employee skills & certifications
➟ Quickly search for qualified employees
➟ Automated documentation

Training Management Software 52

Automated Training Planner

➟ Manage deadlines for expiring certifications
➟Training planning & support
➟ Increased occupational safety for your company

Over 600 Companies, Schools and Cities Rely on Timly

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More Occupational Safety Through Training Management Software

Keep an overview of your employees’ qualifications and authorisations and be automatically reminded of deadlines and training courses in good time – in the digital employee file.

Securely store all training and certification documents in electronic form. The Timly training management software comes with extensive functions.

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Training Management Software Personal Profiles

The Functionalities for Your Success:

Digitale Personalakte QR-Codes Funktion 1 dargestellt
Simple data maintenance of personnel files with QR codes
Digitale Personalakte Mobil-Funktion 5 dargestellt
Information available anytime, regardless of location and device
Digitale Personalakte Standorte Funktion 2 dargestellt
Mapping of multiple departments, locations and companies
Digitale Personalakte Such-Funktion 6 dargestellt
Quickly identify employees with specific skill & authorisation profiles
Digitale Personalakte Rollenkonzept Funktion 3 dargestellt
Mature role and authorisation concept integrated
Digitale Personalakte Arbeitssicherheit Funktion 7 dargestellt
Rapidly identify capability & security gaps in your organisation
Digitale Personalakte API Funktion 4 dargestellt
Connection to your existing HR systems possible
Digitale Personalakte Automatisierung Funktion 8 dargestellt
Automation of training planning & documentation for strategic HR
Digital training management software illustrations

A Proven System. Wherever Occupational Safety Is a Top Priority

Every day, your company’s employees use assets to ensure business success. It is essential that both employees and the equipment, machines and vehicles used meet current safety standards. The Timly training management software answers all the necessary questions at the click of a button:

➟ Who is actually allowed to operate which devices?

➟ When does employee X have to renew their certification?

➟ What training courses are coming up soon?

➟ Who can maintain which assets?

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Timly Links Employee Skills to Your Assets

The training management software forms the bridge between your assets and the company’s employees and thus simplifies the work of HR departments.

The digital solution informs you at any time which employee is allowed to operate which devices, machines, vehicles & Co. (know how) and when a new training is necessary. Start the digital transformation of important HR processes with Timly.

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Digital personnel file in the training management software
Timly Asset Management Software GDPR
Timly Asset Management Software Secure Hosting
Timly Asset Management Software SSL Encrypted

Automatically Generate Employee Skills Cards for Compliance

Stay compliant and ensure workplace safety with Timly’s real-time tracking of your team’s qualifications. Our Employee Training Management tool simplifies the creation and export of digital certificates, detailing your staff’s skills, qualifications, and certifications. This feature is particularly relevant for construction workers who must legally carry proof of their certified capabilities for specific tasks and equipment.

With Timly, you are not just managing employee training records –  you’re actively safeguarding your company’s compliance.


Why Companies Use the Timly Training Management Software

Westenergie als Kunde der Timly Inventarverwaltung Software
1 - Stefan Träger EN 1

Great praise to you and the Timly team. We all really enjoy working with Timly and we will certainly introduce your tool within other areas of our company.

Stefan Träger
Training Management Software 53
13 - Christian Berger EN 2

What reaches the consumer at the end of the pipe is protected by legal regulations in Germany and is strictly tested. At the municipal utility in Singen, we consistently implement these requirements and guarantee very good drinking water quality in the region. Our employees are qualified accordingly. We carry out regular training and certification through the DVGW and other institutions. Thanks to the Timly Training Management Software, we can now plan, monitor and implement these measures more efficiently. With Timly, we ensure that our employees always have the necessary authorisations, instructions and knowledge.

Christian Berger
Business Unit Manager Water Supply
Singen Stadtwerke
Lang Bauunternehmung ist Kunde der Timly Inventarverwaltung Software
3 – Sebastian Lang EN 3

Timly is an established system in our company. Thanks to Timly, we always have a comprehensive image of our assets. This is exactly how we envisioned it.

Sebastian Lang
Lang Bauunternehmen

Timly: Your Tool for Integrating Asset Tracking and Staff Training Records

Timly offers an innovative approach to key HR functions by seamlessly integrating asset tracking with staff training record management. This strategic alignment of workforce capabilities with other business resources provides a unique benefit: a comprehensive view of asset whereabouts and conditions alongside pertinent staff qualifications, certifications, and training requirements. The result:

Streamlined Operations: Gain a real-time snapshot of your business assets and identify who is qualified to operate them, simplifying decision-making and allocation of resources.

Improved Compliance: Maintain accurate and up-to-date employee training records to ensure your organisation meets industry standards and to simplify audit processes, staying compliant and prepared.

Qualified Employees: Plan and manage your staff development programmes proactively to guarantee your team possesses the necessary skills and talent, and promote a culture of ongoing learning and adaptability.

Sensitive Data Always Protected

No matter how big or small a company is, the digital personnel files always contain sensitive data. Whether it is the skills of the employees, their certificates or which devices they used when and for how long. It must therefore not happen that unauthorized persons or even outsiders can receive or view your personnel files.

Timly therefore attaches great importance to the security of your data and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All information and files are stored on a central, secure cloud. This means that you do not need your own server to take care of its security personally. The cloud is regularly maintained and your data is encrypted. They are only available to you and your employees.

Introduction of a Training Management Software

Would you also like to conveniently digitize information and documents about training courses, your employees’ certificates and used assets? The introduction of the electronic personnel file using Timly is very easy. If you wish, you are welcome to view our free online demo beforehand.

We are then at your disposal for questions and a quick implementation. A connection to your existing HR system is also possible. You have all the information bundled at a glance and are also automatically reminded of training courses and deadlines. Just contact us for your personalized online demo.

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Get Started

Book a no-obligation online meeting with us today or start your free trial account directly.

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