Explore enterprise resource planning erp systems Examples, Covering Types, Software, Real-World Applications, And Comparisons With Non-Digital Systems.
BlogHow To Manage IT Assets Inventory: Step By Step Process Flow
Jan 9, 2024 | IT Asset Management
Explore how to manage it assets inventory effectively, covering best practices, risk management, and enhancing operational efficiency.
BlogHow to Optimise and Manage IT Assets
Dec 15, 2023 | IT Asset Management
This article explores how you can optimise and manage IT assets with smart software tools. Find out how to get the most of your IT equipment and increase your ROI, how to improve your maintenance processes and ...
BlogSoftware Maintenance: Strategies and Best Practices
Nov 13, 2023 | Stocktaking
An effective 360° software maintenance system is critical for protecting your business and ensuring legal compliance. Explore the strategies and best practices for implementing the right system.
BlogIT Asset Management: Move from Chaos to Control
Nov 6, 2023 | IT Asset Management
Welcome to IT Asset Management Software Whitepaper download. Claim your free copy today for insights and strategies to protect and secure your digital assets.
BlogDigitise Important Processes With Timly’s Inventory System
Jun 28, 2023 | Stocktaking
A digital inventory system provides previously unimagined optimisations in many companies. Time and again, after the introduction of Timly’s inventory software, those responsible report that it simplifies wor...
BlogMaking Inventory Management Smart With IoT Asset Management
Jun 16, 2023 | GPS-Tracking, Stocktaking
IoT asset management is a good example of how modern technology is gradually spreading into all areas of life. Find out more about how Timly is implementing modern technology into their inventory app.
BlogAwarded: Timly Software Is One of the “Top 5 Best Inventory Software in 2023”
Jun 16, 2023 | Stocktaking
We have developed a cloud-based inventory software that allows companies to manage their inventory efficiently. Now, we have been awarded as one of the best inventory management solutions of 2023.
BlogProfessional Inventory Software – A Must for Every Company
May 19, 2023 | Stocktaking
Using dedicated inventory software is not a matter of course in all companies. Often Excel tables or even printed lists are still in use. In individual cases, this can have a good reason. However, experience sh...
BlogApp Inventory Management: Maintaining Permanent Control
May 16, 2023 | IT Asset Management, Stocktaking
App inventory management is a logical step towards practicality and user-friendliness. Employees are used to receiving necessary information via a smartphone from their private environment. Most people carry th...
BlogKeeping an Eye on Your Inventories With Inventory Software From Timly
Mar 6, 2023 | IT Asset Management, Stock Management, Stocktaking
The inventory of a company usually represents a considerable asset value. For this reason alone, those responsible in companies are anxious to ensure that it is handled carefully and responsibly. Smart inventor...
BlogKeeping ITAM Under Control With IT Asset Management Software
Feb 23, 2023 | IT Asset Management
IT managers in companies and organisations today are faced with the task of managing a wide variety of IT assets. Intuitive IT asset management software makes this task a lot easier. But what exactly is the par...
BlogTimly Tool Software – As Professional as Your Company
Nov 3, 2022 | Deadline Management, Tool Tracking
Especially in industry and trade, companies need an almost unmanageable number of tools and machines. This is made more difficult by the fact that the work equipment is used at different locations and by changi...
BlogThe Advantages of an Inventory Database
Nov 3, 2022 | IT Asset Management, Safety Management, Stocktaking
Deadlines, equipment locations, statistics and other inventory data are always in demand. But where is the best place to keep a company’s object data? – In an inventory software. The heart of such s...
BlogSwiss Startups Timly and Scandit Enter Into a Partnership for Smart Data Capture
Nov 1, 2022 | Stocktaking
Timly Software AG is pleased to announce a new partnership with innovative technology company Scandit. The leader in smart data capture, Scandit was founded in 2009 by three researchers from ETH Zurich, MIT and...
BlogIs There An Inventory App Free of Charge? Advantages & Disadvantages
Oct 27, 2022 | Stocktaking
Equipment, tools, furniture, hardware or virtual assets such as licences have long been managed digitally in many companies. Yet they often use programmes that do not have the proper features, which leads to un...
BlogManaging Medical Devices: Software-Based Deadline Management
Oct 24, 2022 | Deadline Management
Managing medical devices is important for the healthcare industry. However, many hospitals still manage inspection protocols and maintenance dates of equipment in Excel or paper lists. With inventory management...
BlogFree Inventory Management: Can It Be Done in the Cloud?
Oct 19, 2022 | Stock Management
A well-organised company is automatically a successful company. Companies depend on having an overview of all resources, work equipment, materials and the entire inventory. This is because the inventory represe...
BlogPress Release From 09.11.2021: Timly Closes Pre-seed Round
Oct 19, 2022 | Stocktaking
Timly offers cloud-based inventory software that allows companies to manage their inventory centrally and efficiently. Via QR code labels, information on the objects can be retrieved centrally and decentrally &...
BlogCloud-Based Solution Instead of Tool Management Excel
Oct 19, 2022 | Stock Management, Tool Tracking
The switch from analogue inventory with, for example, magnetic boards in the equipment department to digital tool management already brings companies a great advantage. Some problems can also be solved by tool ...
BlogAsset Software in Use at ARGE – The Large Construction Site “Train Station Bern”
Oct 18, 2022 | Maintenance Management
The Bernese newspaper calls it the construction site of the century. This refers to the construction project at Bern’s main railway station, where an additional underground level with four tracks and a su...