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Technical Safety Management (TSM) in Timly

Timly Staff & Talent as a building block for technical safety management according to GW 301 / 302

Thomas Weiss
Thomas WeissInventory Expert6 Min
Technical Safety Management & GW 301 in Timly 2

With Timly you can optimise your Technical Safety Management (TSM)

Mastering the Requirements of Technical Safety Management (TSM)

The core task of the TSM is to support the autonomous action of the companies and to strengthen the competence of the technical self-administration in the public gas and water supply. Within the framework of GW 301 / 302, companies are obliged to do this, among other things (technical safety management):

➠ Ensure qualifications of technical supervisors and skilled workers.

➠ Carry out safety-relevant instructions.

In practice, implementation and especially monitoring is often carried out using Excel. This can work for smaller companies, but Excel inevitably reaches its limits as the size of the company increases.

The DVGW specifies the framework conditions for GW 301 certification, but no concrete procedural instructions regarding implementation in the company. This means that companies are free to decide how to establish the individual measures in their operations. Since most companies today are striving for the highest possible efficiency and want to avoid effort and additional bureaucracy in their operations, a digital solution is a promising way forward.

Various companies from the construction industry, public utilities and public supply sectors rely on Timly to realise the GW 301 requirements. Among them is the construction company Lang, which has around 100 employees and has recognised the problem and developed an integrated solution together with Timly. Timly supports the company in monitoring employee qualifications and safety-relevant instructions in accordance with GW 301 / 302 throughout the entire process.

Timly Supports You in the Entire Process of Technical Safety Management

In the process, the inventory software takes over the monitoring, supports in the planning and organisation of training and automatically updates the personnel files. This makes it easy for companies to meet the requirements for technical safety management according to GW 301 / 302.

Qualifications Overview: Timly provides an employee profile with the skills, qualifications and certifications of your employees. See at a glance what skills your employees have. If you have lost an important employee, you can easily find a replacement with the same skills.

Monitoring: Which skills/certificates expire when for which employees? Timly monitors the deadlines and informs them proactively. This simplifies training planning and you ensure that your employees have the required qualifications at all times.

Training & Briefings: When training and instruction is conducted, the invitations for these are automatically created and sent out. The registrations via e-mail in the return are recorded and the participant lists are prepared. An invitation can also be sent automatically to all participants via Outlook.

File Documentation: After completion of a training, Timly documents this in the employee profiles. In addition, lists of participants can be stored directly in Timly via smartphone and the individual certificates can be attached to the respective employee profiles.

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Technical Safety Management & GW 301 in Timly 3
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With Timly Staff & Talent, Traceability and Compliance Are Ensured

If you have an insurance claim or are due for an on-site examination to obtain the GW 301 / 302, all this information is immediately at your disposal thanks to Timly Staff & Talent.

Company level:

➠ How many employees have a specific skill?

➠ When do these employees next need training?

➠ Which training courses were held in a certain period of time and who attended?

Employee Level:

➠ What qualifications does an employee have?

➠ Which trainings are scheduled for the employee and when?

➠ History of training measures and instructions of an employee?

➠ Documentation of all certificates and training records?

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More about Technical Safety Management (TSM)

The core task of the TSM is to support the autonomous action of the companies and to strengthen the competence of the technical self-administration in the public gas and water supply. The processes in the water and energy industry are becoming increasingly complex and present companies with new and growing challenges.

Corporate management has to ensure that it acts in accordance with the law and in line with the company’s objectives. The best-known management system standard is probably that for quality management (QM) according to DIN EN ISO 9001. This standard is independent of the industry and can basically be introduced in any organisation.

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Manage technical security easily in Timly

An industry-specific solution for achieving and verifying safety in organisations is provided by the DVGW with its Technical Safety Management. The DVGW has formulated requirements for the qualification and organisation of the technical areas of gas and water supply and published them in DVGW Codes of Practice G 1000, G 1010, G1030, G1040 and W 1000 as recognised rules of technology.

By introducing a TSM, possible deficits in the organisation are to be systematically identified and eliminated. Among other things, the implementation of these requirements contributes to making the structures in the company transparent and to increasing the security against organisational negligence and compliance with the qualification requirements. Effort and benefit are in reasonable proportion to each other.

Further information on the topic of technical safety management can be found on the DVGW website.

References: DVGW, LANG GmbH Construction Company since 1891

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