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Device Management App: Advantages and Disadvantages of a of a Digital Solution for Companies

Antoinette Turkie
Antoinette TurkieInventory Expert7 Min
Device Management App on a smartphone

The device management app allows access to your inventory anywhere

Device Management App: The Advantages of Cloud Software for Business Compared to On-Premise Software

Cloud software for inventory processes is a fairly new topic. Many companies have not yet gained experience with this technology, but those that have already taken the step towards inventory management via software can report its advantages.

Especially if the solution also works mobile (e.g. a device management app), the effort for managing inventory can be reduced significantly. However, there are also disadvantages – which ones exactly? We will explain this in the following.

🖥️ ✅ Less effort during installation / no maintenance work necessary

While the conventional solution is usually still based on a local installation, with the device management app in the cloud, you can log on conveniently via the internet. This reduces the effort to install the software to a minimum and companies usually do not need to hire their own IT department, as a good device management app can be used intuitively by the average employee.

Updates also only take place via the internet and no longer require manual installation. The necessary data transfers are usually arranged automatically in the background by the cloud solution provider. This saves time and effort and you can always be sure that you are using the latest and most secure version of the software.

📲 ✅ The cloud software is mobile usable

Another advantage of a device management tool as cloud software is that the software is immediately available online, which makes it possible to use as a mobile device management system. In addition to a desktop computer, the modern web design can also be used on a smartphone or tablet. The software no longer needs to be installed locally; all that is required is an internet connection and a browser.

With a modern version of the inventory software, objects can easily be called up on the mobile device via an integrated barcode scanner (device management barcode) and actions can be carried out.

This means that companies no longer have to do without the software, even at different locations. One can also carry out inventory work or stock checks on the move without any problems, which in turn increases work productivity. In this way, one is always and everywhere connected and can continue one’s work even when travelling.

💳 ✅ Easy adaptability to the price possibilities of the company (also suitable for SMEs)

Nowadays, a device management app from the cloud is usually very simple and quickly customisable. It also allows small businesses to save time and still offers them all the functions. Of course, a distinction must be made between different price packages. For smaller companies, there is usually an “entry-level” model.
If the demand grows over time, more functions can be easily activated with an upgrade.

A free demo is usually also available, so that smaller companies in particular can test in advance without risk whether the software provides added value for their current needs.

The optimal device management app offers, among other things:


Overview of the inventory at any time and from anywhere

Compatibility with mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets

Integrated barcode / QR code scanner

Easy mass inventory possible

Assigning the inventory to individual persons or places


Store files, documents or even contacts

GPS location tracking incl. location history

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Device Management App: Advantages and Disadvantages of a of a Digital Solution for Companies 1
Device Management App: Advantages and Disadvantages of a of a Digital Solution for Companies 2
Device Management App: Advantages and Disadvantages of a of a Digital Solution for Companies 3
Device Management App: Advantages and Disadvantages of a of a Digital Solution for Companies 4
Device Management App: Advantages and Disadvantages of a of a Digital Solution for Companies 5

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Disadvantages of the Device Management App in the Cloud

📉 ❌ Often somewhat more expensive than on-premise

On-premise solutions, i.e. locally installed and self-hosted solutions, are still popular with most companies, especially if many resources (e.g. own IT department) are available. One of the main reasons is security, as companies often rely on their own firewalls and IT security to take appropriate precautions against third-party access. In this way, the data on the company inventory and the activities of the employees with the inventory always remain in-house.

Another important point is control over the system. Since with on-premise solutions it can still be configured and administered by means of an administration interface, a well-trained IT staff member must take care of the maintenance of the inventory solution. The installation of the software in the existing infrastructure, internal training, as well as maintenance and security concepts then initially cost the company seemingly endless effort until the inventory software really runs on all systems.

The development of an additional mobile solution to be able to access the device management app on the road or on site (where the inventory is located) is possible with considerable additional effort.

🔒 ⚠️ Selecting the right provider (data security)

Of course, this point should always be considered. If you choose the wrong company for cloud hosting, sensitive company data may be made publicly accessible by mistake. To avoid this, you should get an overview of the security standards and the handling of data in advance. Server locations in Germany and under strict EU-GDPR requirements are considered particularly secure.

Some cloud providers for a device management app offer free online screenings, so you can discuss any concerns you have about data protection in advance. This way, you can also decide in advance whether the company is the right choice. Don’t just trust your gut feeling, but also specifically ask challenging questions regarding the security of your data.

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Which Solution Suits My Business?

When choosing the right inventory software, companies need to weigh up the pros and cons.

Cloud software for inventory management has some advantages, but not all companies may be able to afford them, especially when it comes to monthly or annually recurring fees.

It should be noted, however, that updates and data storage capacity are usually included.

Device management app in use at an office

Companies of all sizes benefit from device management apps

In the case of the on-premise solution, however, the effort required in one’s own IT must be taken into account, which can be expressed directly in figures. In terms of security, both variants (externally hosted vs. self-hosted) have their own advantages and disadvantages, as mentioned above. Nowadays, unfortunately, there is no such thing as 100% data protection, and sensitive data can be leaked onto the internet by third parties, regardless of who hosts it.

However, with a modern device management app backed by an established provider with credentials, you should have no concerns about reliability.

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