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BLT Rides into the Future of Maintenance with Timly

Monday morning, 7 a.m., at the “Aeschenplatz” tram stop. Some passengers, with headphones on, stare into their mobile phones, while others engage in quiet conversation or phone calls, as the smell of takeaway coffee fills the air. A yellow tram slowly arrives, and the passengers board, heading toward their destination. Like millions of people every year, they are about to travel on a Basel tram. To keep this vital transportation system running smoothly, BLT (Baselland Transport AG) relies on Timly to efficiently manage its asset maintenance operations.
BLT Baselland Transport Success Story intro image

BLT (Baselland Transport AG)

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Founding Year


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Oberwil, Switzerland
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The Challenge

BLT is an integral part of daily life in Basel, transporting passengers via buses, trains, and trams. Due to the nature of its operations, BLT faces the ongoing challenge of managing its infrastructure – rails, vehicles, and more – with a particular focus on maintenance.

Safety is a non-negotiable priority for BLT, positioned at the very core of its operations. As part of this, the company ensures impeccable maintenance of its infrastructure and equipment – not only because it is one of the region’s key transportation providers, but also because its services must remain reliable under all circumstances.

There is no room to take chances, for “maybes,” or even an inch of leeway when it comes to ensuring safety through infrastructure maintenance. What’s required is 100% reliability—nothing less. To maintain this high level of accuracy while streamlining its maintenance processes, BLT sought a modern and versatile asset management solution. The solution they chose was Timly.

The Solution

What key functionality in Timly convinced BLT that it was the complete solution for efficiently managing, tracking, and documenting the maintenance of all its infrastructure? The answer lies in Timly’s integrated ticketing system. To understand how BLT leverages this and other features in Timly, let’s take a closer look at their day-to-day operations, particularly their trains. These large vehicles require meticulous, accurate maintenance to ensure both operational safety and reliability.

The first step for BLT was to carry out an inventory of all the physical assets it needed to manage. The company then added QR code labels provided by Timly to each asset. By scanning these with any internet-enabled device, including a smartphone, the team at BLT can easily access the asset’s digital record in the Timly platform.

To get the most out of their new asset tracking system in Timly, BLT added all relevant information and details to each asset’s record. Information like usage instructions, upcoming maintenance deadlines, and other important details help employees ensure proper handling, timely servicing, and overall operational efficiency.

In all this, Timly’s ticketing system provides BLT with a smart dashboard where all tasks – past, present, and future – are centralized in one place. This includes, most importantly, all maintenance activities, giving the team a clear, organized view of what needs to be done.

Most used functions:

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Easier Compliance

Safety, and by extension compliance, is crucial for BLT. Timly enables them to manage these aspects effectively and efficiently, thanks to the platform’s intuitive and robust features.

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Ticketing System

Timly’s ticketing system is an essential tool for BLT, enabling them to manage maintenance deadlines, track repair needs and testing, respond to support requests, and much more.

The Result

At BLT, everything is carefully calibrated and thoroughly checked. With Timly’s asset management software, the company can efficiently manage its assets and their maintenance, including all related documentation. Timly serves as a centralized platform, ensuring seamless management and tracking of all maintenance tasks. Key features like deadline management and the ticketing system simplify the process of maintaining compliance.

The detailed and easily accessible digital records of each asset are an invaluable resource for BLT employees. These records contain everything from asset information, usage details, relevant documents, images, support tickets, and more.

With Timly, BLT can quickly access all essential information about their assets with just a scan and a few clicks, ensuring efficient tracking and maintenance. Deadlines are clearly visible and are also sent as email reminders to the responsible asset managers.

This level of organization keeps BLT perfectly on track.


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